angularjs - JavaScript - comparing two same strings but they are not equal -

i use angularjs $http send request, basic authorization provided headers 'authorization': this.basicauthorization

but doesn't work, found out there problem in this.basicauthorization. when replace string 'basic some_base64_encoded_string'

this.basicauthorization = 'basic'+' '+ btoa('username'+';'+'password'); this.mystring = 'basic some_base64_encoded_string';  console.log(this.basicauthorization + " " + typeof this.basicauthorization + " lenght " + this.basicauthorization.length); console.log(this.mystring + " " + typeof this.mystring + " length " + this.mystring.length);   if(this.basicauthorization == this.mystring){     console.log("equal") } else{     console.log('not equal');     console.log(this.basicauthorization + " " + typeof this.basicauthorization + " lenght " + this.basicauthorization.length);     console.log(this.mystring + " " + typeof this.mystring + " length " + this.mystring.length);  } 

and see in console is

not equal

basic some_base64_encoded_string string 82

basic some_base64_encoded_string string 82

why strings not equal , why when use btoa() http request not working , when provide this.mystring works


this.basicauthorization = 'basic'+' '+ btoa('username'+';'+'password'); 


this.basicauthorization = 'basic'+' '+ btoa('username'+':'+'password'); 

in basic authentication username , password must seperated :. see http authentication rfc.


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