spring cloud - How to configure SpringCloud Eureka instance to point to https on non standard port -

i using spring boot/cloud actuator, , annotate application class @enableeurekaclient, applications comes , registers correctly eureka server.

however, because configure application run on https, , on port 8444, eureka instance not registered correct protocol, instead using http.

example http://localhost:8761/eureka/apps/ gives me

<homepageurl>http://localhost:8444/</homepageurl> <statuspageurl>http://localhost:8444/info</statuspageurl> <healthcheckurl>http://localhost:8444/health</healthcheckurl> 

there no such thing securehomepageurl or securestatuspageurl - securehealthcheckurl exists. check com.netflix.appinfo.eurekainstanceconfig properties transmitted server when eureka client registers.

however, having home/status/health page urls not showing https protocol doesn't mean instance isn't registered. matters whether or not secure port enabled. check following properties in client configuration:

eureka.instance.secureport: 443 eureka.instance.secureportenabled: true 

the registry information obtained http://eureka:8761/eureka/apps should reflect values.

you should remember homepageurl , statuspageurl not used neither eureka or ribbon. apparently provided informational purpose. however, healthcheckurl , securehealthcheckurl may used load balancing rules or other health reporting systems. why "secure" version of property exists not other...


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