Opening a project in landscape in iOS doesn't display correctly in Delphi XE8 -

when open projects in landscape in ios form appears rotated 90 degrees right , doesn't fit in screen.

when open in portrait don't problems. when turn landscape, displays correctly.

does have solution this?

update: i've downloaded xcode 5.1.1 can compile ios 7.1 solves rotation issue, doesn't fill whole screen.

this apparently bug in xe8, seems happen in larger programs, , possibly in combination tms icl components. @ least no 1 has yet made small program can reproduce problem. have had problem, , "solved" workaround.

see this bug report , this forum question (if can catch while servers up). both describe various fixes , workarounds.

edit: able reproduce bug in small program , seems @ least icl fmx wrapper can cause error happen. happens when target ios 8. contacted tms , confirmed can reproduce , fix it. until then, can solve creating wrapper first time shown:

tform = class   ...   fwrapper: ttmsfmxnativefmxwrapper;   ... end;  procedure tform.formshow(sender: tobject); begin   if not assigned(fwrapper)   begin     fwrapper := ttmsfmxnativefmxwrapper.create(self);     fwrapper.form := mywrappedfmxform;     fwrapper.parent := myparentview;   end; end; 


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