powershell - Local Git Hook Pre-Commit/Pre-Push does not run (Windows) -

i have repo set supposed run simple pre-push/pre-commit powershell script (it doesn't matter when script executes). however, life of me cannot run. have tried use chmod +x .git/hooks/* , chmod ug+x .git/hooks/* have tried editing #!/bin/... , removing have read not supported in windows. know script works because when call via & c:\users\...\.git\hooks\pre-commit.ps1 works.

for it's worth here script run:

#!/bin/bash echo "script running" & 'c:\users\ian pennebaker\desktop\revisiondate.vbs' start-sleep -s 30 & 'c:\users\ian pennebaker\desktop\movepdf.vbs' cd 'c:\users\ian pennebaker\desktop\test2' pdftk *.pdf cat output ecmwc.pdf & 'c:\users\ian pennebaker\desktop\deleteallbutfinal.vbs' 

it named pre-push.ps1 said earlier used @ pre-commit or other hook location. have idea wrong here?

rename file pre-commit.ps1 pre-commit.


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