c# - Changing Quantity value within Datagridview,the price also changes.how possilbe? which event will do this.CellEndEdit already used -

i want change quantity value within datagridview,it willl change price also.how possilbe? event using c# windows form.cellendedit used other cell(productname).

private void datagridviewsalesform_cellendedit(object sender, datagridviewcelleventargs e) {     try     {         string matchingproduct = datagridviewsalesform.rows[0].cells[1].value.tostring();          (int = 0; < objarraylist.count; i++)         {             if (objarraylist[i].tostring().tolower().startswith(matchingproduct.tolower()))             {                 datagridviewsalesform.rows[0].cells[1].value = objarraylist[i].tostring();                 break;             }         }     }     catch (exception ex)     {          messagebox.show(ex.message);     }     /*connection loading brandname brandtable*/     string get_strproductname = datagridviewsalesform.rows[0].cells[1].value.tostring();     string quantity = "1";     sqlconnection conn = new sqlconnection(connstr);     try     {         conn.open();         string qry = "select t_inv_brands.brand_name t_inv_products inner join t_inv_brands on t_inv_products.brand_id = t_inv_brands.brand_id     t_inv_products.prod_name ='" + get_strproductname + "'";         sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand(qry, conn);         sqldataadapter da = new sqldataadapter(cmd);         dataset ds = new dataset();         da.fill(ds);          datagridviewsalesform.rows[0].cells[2].value = ds.tables[0].rows[0]["brand_name"].tostring();         datagridviewsalesform.rows[0].cells[3].value = quantity;         conn.close();      }     catch (exception ex)     {          messagebox.show(ex.message);      }       /*connection loading retailprice  producttable*/     sqlconnection connection = new sqlconnection(connstr);     try     {         conn.open();         string qry = "select  retailprice  t_inv_products prod_name = '" + get_strproductname + "'";         sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand(qry, connection);         sqldataadapter da = new sqldataadapter(cmd);         datatable dt = new datatable();         da.fill(dt);         datagridviewsalesform.rows[0].cells[4].value = convert.todouble(dt.rows[0]["retailprice"].tostring());         }     catch (exception ex)     {          messagebox.show(ex.message);      }      //double quantityload = convert.todouble(datagridviewsalesform.rows[0].cells[3].value.tostring());     //double pricefetch = convert.todouble(datagridviewsalesform.rows[0].cells[4].value.tostring());     //double result = quantityload * pricefetch;     //datagridviewsalesform.rows[0].cells[4].value = result.tostring(); } 

you seem think can use event one cell or column only. instead need code events in such way all necessary cells and/or columns own piece of logic.

it helps partition code smaller pieces helpful names document logic contain!

here example two branches, 1 cell , 1 column. pass out datagridviewcelleventargs functions can access datagridview dgv real event can.. of course can expand on needed:

int quantitycolumnindex = 3;  // use own numbers.. int currencycolumnindex = 1;  // ..and names!! int currencyrowindex = 0; int priceperunitcolumnindex = 7; int totalpricecolumnindex = 8; int totalbasepricecolumnindex = 4;  private void dgv_cellendedit(object sender, datagridviewcelleventargs e) {     if (e.columnindex == quantitycolumnindex) dopricecalc(e);     else if (e.columnindex == currencycolumnindex && e.rowindex == currencyrowindex)           doallcalc(e);  }  void dopricecalc(datagridviewcelleventargs e) {     // 1st example     dgv[totalpricecolumnindex, e.rowindex].value =         (int)dgv[quantitycolumnindex, e.rowindex].value *         (decimal)dgv[priceperunitcolumnindex, e.rowindex].value;  }  void doallcalc(datagridviewcelleventargs e) {     // 2nd example     decimal currency = (decimal) dgv[currencycolumnindex,currencyrowindex ].value;     (int row = 0; row < dgv.rows.count; row++)         dgv[priceperunitcolumnindex, e.rowindex].value =             (decimal)dgv[totalbasepricecolumnindex, e.rowindex].value * currency; } 

note have indexed columns indeices. may index them names, e.g.: dgv[ "priceperunit", e.rowindex]


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