android - Async HTTP Request and Arduino -

i developing android application communicate arduino uno though wifi. arduino programmed turn on digital port number 12 when access address when open browner , access address red led (connected port 12) turns on, when access again turns off, works perfectly. problem in android app make http request, led turns on , seems connection "stucked", can't turn off led , can't access through browser unless restart arduino or end android activity.

the piece of code use make http request in android app this:

public class arduinorequest extends asynctask<string, string, string> {  @override protected string doinbackground(string... uri) {     httpclient httpclient = new defaulthttpclient();     httpresponse response;     string responsestring = null;     try {         response = httpclient.execute(new httpget(uri[0]));         statusline statusline = response.getstatusline();         if(statusline.getstatuscode() == httpstatus.sc_ok){             bytearrayoutputstream out = new bytearrayoutputstream();             response.getentity().writeto(out);             responsestring = out.tostring();             out.close();         } else{             //closes connection.             response.getentity().getcontent().close();             throw new ioexception(statusline.getreasonphrase());         }     } catch (clientprotocolexception e) {         //todo handle problems..     } catch (ioexception e) {         //todo handle problems..     }     return responsestring; }  @override protected void onpostexecute(string result) {     super.onpostexecute(result);     } } 

then in

i call this

arduinorequest arduinorequest = new arduinorequest();                   arduinorequest.execute(""); 

any idea? :)


i solved. use code instead:

   // instantiate requestqueue.               requestqueue queue = volley.newrequestqueue(menuactivity.this);               string url ="";              // request string response provided url.               stringrequest stringrequest = new stringrequest(request.method.get, url,                       new response.listener<string>() {                           @override                           public void onresponse(string response) {                               // display first 500 characters of response string.                              // mtextview.settext("response is: "+ response.substring(0,500));                           }                       }, new response.errorlistener() {                   @override                   public void onerrorresponse(volleyerror volleyerror) {                    }                }); 


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