css - Printed Barcode with Barcode39 Library Not Getting Scanned -

i using barcode39 library in codeigniter generate barcodes.

below helper function using generate barcode.

function generatebarcode12($qty,$orderid,$orderitemid,$servicecatid){     $ci =& get_instance();     $ci->load->library('barcode39');       $ci->load->helper('upload_function');      $configarr = array(             'thickness' => 30,             'resolution' => 1,             'fontsize' => 2,             'a1' => 'a',             'a2' => '',             'code' => 'code39'     );      $ci->load->library('barcode/barcodeclass',$configarr);      $uploaddirconfig = uploaddirctoryconfig('barcode',$orderid);      makedirectory($uploaddirconfig['main_dir_full_path']);     makedirectory($uploaddirconfig['sub_dir_barcode']);     makedirectory($uploaddirconfig['sub_child_dir_full_path']);     $uploadpath = $uploaddirconfig['sub_child_dir_full_path'];      ($i=0;$i<$qty;$i++){         $barcode = generate_barcode_no($orderid, $orderitemid, $servicecatid, $qty);         $chkunique = checkbarcode_unique($barcode);         while(!$chkunique){             $barcode    = generate_barcode_no($orderid, $orderitemid, $servicecatid, $qty);             $chkunique  = checkbarcode_unique($barcode);         }          if($barcode){             $filename = $barcode.'.gif';              $bc = new barcode39($barcode);             // set text size             $bc->barcode_text_size = 1;             // set barcode bar thickness (thick bars)             $bc->barcode_bar_thick = 2;             // set barcode bar thickness (thin bars)             $bc->barcode_bar_thin = 1;             $bc->barcode_height = 50;              if(file_exists($uploadpath.$filename)){                 $output = true;                 $output = $bc->draw($uploadpath.$filename);//generate barcode method2                 //$output = $ci->barcodeclass->generate($barcode,$filename,$uploadpath);//generate barcode method1             }else{                 $output = $bc->draw($uploadpath.$filename);//generate barcode method2                 //$output = $ci->barcodeclass->generate($barcode,$filename,$uploadpath);//generate barcode method1             }              if($output){                   $data = array();                 $data['orderid']        = $orderid;                 $data['orderitemid']    = $orderitemid;                 $data['code']           = $barcode;                 $data['imagename']      = $filename;                 $data['status']         = 'inprogress';                 $data['createdat']      = get_curr_datetime();                 $data['createdby']      = get_login_user_id();                 grid_add_data($data,tbl_barcode);             }         }     }      return $uploaddirconfig; } 

i rotating generated barcode image 90 degree using below css code:

#rotate90deg {     -webkit-transform: rotate(90deg);     -moz-transform: rotate(90deg);     -o-transform: rotate(90deg);     -ms-transform: rotate(90deg);     transform: rotate(90deg); } 

i using tsc ttp-244 plus printer print barcodes , motorola scanner scan barcodes.

the main problem out of 12 barcodes, around 2 3 barcodes getting scanned.

please me this.

@swinders: not possible share image of barcode did not scan, attaching sample barcode image printing scanning.

enter image description here

i hope helps you!

as rotating generated barcode image 90 degrees should check printer printing code correctly.

i have see linear code (such code39) when printed down label squashed in places, possibly due media not feeding freely. if thickness of bars small media feed can more critical.

generally printing linear (1d) codes appears more reliable when printed across label.


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