java - @PathVariable and @RequestParam not working together -

i have below code in controller:

@requestmapping(value = "/child/{nodeid}/{reltype}",method = requestmethod.get, produces=mediatype.application_json)         public iterable<node> getconnectednodes(@requestparam("page")int page, @requestparam("size")int size, @pathvariable("nodeid") string nodeid, @pathvariable("reltype") string reltype) {         return nodeservice.getconnectednodes(nodeid, reltype,page,size);         } 

and api url hitting


here in debug mode can see values of path variables i.e. nodeid , reltype can not see values of request param page , size passing through request in url above.

what's wrong @requestparam ? please help.

can try below snippet:

@requestmapping(value = "/child/{nodeid}/{reltype}",method = requestmethod.get, produces=mediatype.application_json)             public iterable<node> getconnectednodes(@requestparam(value="page", required=false) int page, @requestparam(value="size", required=false) int size, @pathvariable("nodeid") string nodeid, @pathvariable("reltype") string reltype) {             return nodeservice.getconnectednodes(nodeid, reltype,page,size);      } 


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