HTML Jquery tab is not working -

this part of previous question html tabs not working sample

here code :

$("#tabs ").tabs();
#nav,      #nav ul {          list-style: none;          margin-left: 20px;      }            #nav li {          list-style: none;          padding-left: 0px;          vertical-align: middle;      }            #nav liaa {          padding-left: 17px;          background: url(iarrow.gif) left top no-repeat;          padding-bottom: .45em;      }            #nav {          text-decoration: none;          color: #960000;      }            #nav a:hover {          color: #1b53b9;      }            #nav .expandable {          padding-left: 0px;          background-image: none;      }            .reportcont {          position: relative;          left: 2px;          top: 0;          width: 99%;          overflow: scroll;          border: 0px solid #ccc;      }    {          font-family: arial, serif;          font-weight: regular;          font-size: 10px;          font-color: #000080;          text-decoration: underline;      }            a:link {          font-color: #000080;      }            a:visited {          color: #b00081;      }    .bushead {          background-color: #d5e5ed;          font-family: arial;          font-color: #0099cc;          font-size: 8px;          font-weight: bold;      }            .tothead {          position: fixed;          background-color: #ffffff;          font-family: arial;          font-color: #000080;          font-size: 8px;          font-weight: bold;      }            .colheadtot {          border: 2px;          font-family: arial, serif;          font-weight: bold;          font-size: 10px;          color: #000080;          text-align: center;          margin-bottom: 0;          padding-bottom: 0;          background-color: #d5e5ed;          vertical-align: middle;      }            .colhead {          border: solid 1px #eeeeff;          font-family: arial, serif;          font-weight: bold;          font-size: 12px;          color: #0099cc;          text-align: center;          margin-bottom: 0;          padding-bottom: 0;          background-color: #d5e5ed;          vertical-align: middle;          white-space: nowrap;      }            .tabvalbus {          border-left: solid 1px #eeeeff;          border-right: solid 1px #eeeeff;          border-top: solid 1px #eeeeff;          border-bottom: solid 1px #eeeeff;          border-collapse: collapse;          font-family: arial, serif;          font-weight: regular;          font-size: 11px;          color: #000080;          text-align: left;          margin-bottom: 0;          padding-bottom: 0;          background-color: #ffffff;          vertical-align: middle;          white-space: pre-wrap;      }            .tabval {          border-left: solid 1px #eeeeff;          border-right: solid 1px #eeeeff;          border-top: solid 1px #eeeeff;          border-bottom: solid 1px #eeeeff;          border-collapse: collapse;          font-family: arial, serif;          font-weight: regular;          font-size: 10px;          color: #000080;          text-align: right;          margin-bottom: 0;          padding-bottom: 0;          background-color: #ffffff;          vertical-align: middle;      }            .delta {          background-color: #fff;          text-align: center;          font-family: windings;          font-size: 11px;      }            .blue_row {          background-color: #ccf2fc;          color: #002d72;          font-size: 12px;          font-weight: bold;          text-align: center;      }            .table_header {          color: #00bdf2;          text-align: center;          font-size: 12px;          font-weight: bold;      }            .table_headerh {          color: #002d72;          text-align: center;          font-size: 12px;          font-weight: bold;      }            .pagetitle1 {          margin: 0 auto;          /*width: 774px;*/                    width: 100%;      }            .pagetitle1 {          padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;          color: #000066;          font-weight: normal;          font-size: 19px;      }            .pagetitle1 h2 {          color: #000066;          font-size: 1.2em;          padding-left: 2px;      }            .pagecontainer1 {          margin: 0 auto;          width: 100%;          /* example: width: 955px; */                    margin-top: 0px;          background-color: #f9f9f9;          overflow-y: auto;      }            #filterdiv {          margin-top: 0px;          overflow: auto;          width: 100%;      }            .reportcontainer {          position: absolute;          top: 50%;          left: 50%;      }            .img-container {          position: absolute;          top: 50%;          left: 50%;      }            .img-container>img {          margin-top: -50%;          margin-left: -50%;          width: 10px;          height: 15px;      }            .resizedtextbox {          width: 100px;          padding: 1px      }
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                <th class='colhead'>vol                              <br>terms</th>                          <th class='colhead'>invol                              <br>terms</th>                          <th class='colhead'>**other                              <br> activity</th>                          <th class='colhead'>delta</th>                          <th class='colhead'>***05-21-2015                              <br> actual hc</th>                          <th class='colhead'>prior week                              <br>2015/05/21                              <br>actual hc</th>                          <th class='colhead'>pending                              <br> hires</th>                          <th class='colhead'>future                              <br>terms                              <br>(non-rif)</th>                          <th class='colhead'>planned                              <br> rifs</th>                          <th class='colhead'>**other chc                              <br> activity</th>                          <th class='colhead'>net chc                              <br>impact (thru                              <br>2015/05)</th>                          <th class='colhead'>chc                              <br>impact                              <br>(thru                              <br>2015/05)</th>                          <th class='colhead'>prior week                              <br>(2015/05/21) chc                              <br> impact</th>                      </tr>                  </div>                  <div id="nam " class="tab ">                      <tr>                          <th class='colhead'>officer title detail</th>                          <th class='colhead'></th>                          <th class='colhead'>04-30-2015                              <br> actual hc</th>                          <th class='colhead'>hires</th>                          <th class='colhead'>vol                              <br>terms</th>                          <th class='colhead'>invol                              <br>terms</th>                          <th class='colhead'>**other                              <br> activity</th>                          <th class='colhead'>delta</th>                          <th class='colhead'>***05-21-2015                              <br> actual hc</th>                          <th class='colhead'>prior week                              <br>2015/05/21                              <br>actual hc</th>                          <th class='colhead'>pending                              <br> hires</th>                          <th class='colhead'>future                              <br>terms                              <br>(non-rif)</th>                          <th class='colhead'>planned                              <br> rifs</th>                          <th class='colhead'>**other chc                              <br> activity</th>                          <th class='colhead'>net chc                              <br>impact (thru                              <br>2015/05)</th>                          <th class='colhead'>chc                              <br>impact                              <br>(thru                              <br>2015/05)</th>                          <th class='colhead'>prior week                              <br>(2015/05/21) chc                              <br> impact</th>                      </tr>                  </div>                  <div id="asia " class="tab ">                      <div></div>                      <tr></tr>                      <tr>                          <th class='colhead'>officer title detail</th>                          <th class='colhead'></th>                          <th class='colhead'>04-30-2015                              <br> actual hc</th>                          <th class='colhead'>hires</th>                          <th class='colhead'>vol                              <br>terms</th>                          <th class='colhead'>invol                              <br>terms</th>                          <th class='colhead'>**other                              <br> activity</th>                          <th class='colhead'>delta</th>                          <th class='colhead'>***05-21-2015                              <br> actual hc</th>                          <th class='colhead'>prior week                              <br>2015/05/21                              <br>actual hc</th>                          <th class='colhead'>pending                              <br> hires</th>                          <th class='colhead'>future                              <br>terms                              <br>(non-rif)</th>                          <th class='colhead'>planned                              <br> rifs</th>                          <th class='colhead'>**other chc                              <br> activity</th>                          <th class='colhead'>net chc                              <br>impact (thru                              <br>2015/05)</th>                          <th class='colhead'>chc                              <br>impact                              <br>(thru                              <br>2015/05)</th>                          <th class='colhead'>prior week                              <br>(2015/05/21) chc                              <br> impact</th>                      </tr>                  </div>                  <div id="japan " class="tab ">                      <div></div>                      <tr></tr>                      <tr>                          <th class='colhead'>officer title detail</th>                          <th class='colhead'></th>                          <th class='colhead'>04-30-2015                              <br> actual hc</th>                          <th class='colhead'>hires</th>                          <th class='colhead'>vol                              <br>terms</th>                          <th class='colhead'>invol                              <br>terms</th>                          <th class='colhead'>**other                              <br> activity</th>                          <th class='colhead'>delta</th>                          <th class='colhead'>***05-21-2015                              <br> actual hc</th>                          <th class='colhead'>prior week                              <br>2015/05/21                              <br>actual hc</th>                          <th class='colhead'>pending                              <br> hires</th>                          <th class='colhead'>future                              <br>terms                              <br>(non-rif)</th>                          <th class='colhead'>planned                              <br> rifs</th>                          <th class='colhead'>**other chc                              <br> activity</th>                          <th class='colhead'>net chc                              <br>impact (thru                              <br>2015/05)</th>                          <th class='colhead'>chc                              <br>impact                              <br>(thru                              <br>2015/05)</th>                          <th class='colhead'>prior week                              <br>(2015/05/21) chc                              <br> impact</th>                      </tr>                  </div>                  <div id="latam " class="tab ">                      <div></div>                      <tr></tr>                      <tr>                          <th class='colhead'>officer title detail</th>                          <th class='colhead'></th>                          <th class='colhead'>04-30-2015                              <br> actual hc</th>                          <th class='colhead'>hires</th>                          <th class='colhead'>vol                              <br>terms</th>                          <th class='colhead'>invol                              <br>terms</th>                          <th class='colhead'>**other                              <br> activity</th>                          <th class='colhead'>delta</th>                          <th class='colhead'>***05-21-2015                              <br> actual hc</th>                          <th class='colhead'>prior week                              <br>2015/05/21                              <br>actual hc</th>                          <th class='colhead'>pending                              <br> hires</th>                          <th class='colhead'>future                              <br>terms                              <br>(non-rif)</th>                          <th class='colhead'>planned                              <br> rifs</th>                          <th class='colhead'>**other chc                              <br> activity</th>                          <th class='colhead'>net chc                              <br>impact (thru                              <br>2015/05)</th>                          <th class='colhead'>chc                              <br>impact                              <br>(thru                              <br>2015/05)</th>                          <th class='colhead'>prior week                              <br>(2015/05/21) chc                              <br> impact</th>                      </tr>                  </div>                  <div id="emea " class="tab ">                      <div></div>                      <tr></tr>                      <tr>                          <th class='colhead'>officer title detail</th>                          <th class='colhead'></th>                          <th class='colhead'>04-30-2015                              <br> actual hc</th>                          <th class='colhead'>hires</th>                          <th class='colhead'>vol                              <br>terms</th>                          <th class='colhead'>invol                              <br>terms</th>                          <th class='colhead'>**other                              <br> activity</th>                          <th class='colhead'>delta</th>                          <th class='colhead'>***05-21-2015                              <br> actual hc</th>                          <th class='colhead'>prior week                              <br>2015/05/21                              <br>actual hc</th>                          <th class='colhead'>pending                              <br> hires</th>                          <th class='colhead'>future                              <br>terms                              <br>(non-rif)</th>                          <th class='colhead'>planned                              <br> rifs</th>                          <th class='colhead'>**other chc                              <br> activity</th>                          <th class='colhead'>net chc                              <br>impact (thru                              <br>2015/05)</th>                          <th class='colhead'>chc                              <br>impact                              <br>(thru                              <br>2015/05)</th>                          <th class='colhead'>prior week                              <br>(2015/05/21) chc                              <br> impact</th>                      </tr>                  </div>              </table>          </div>          <br>          <br>          <br>          <br>          <table style="width:600px ">              <tr>                  <th nowrap class='colhead'>notes: </th>              </tr>              <tr>                  <td nowrap class='tabvalbus'>*promotions based on mobility codes timeframe selected (e.g. beginning actual headcount).</td>              </tr>              <tr>                  <td nowrap class='tabvalbus'>**other activity includes transfer in/out , to/from leave</td>              </tr>              <tr>                  <td nowrap class='tabvalbus'>***ending headcount costs summation of annualized salary active headcount @ time selected.</td>              </tr>              <tr>                  <td nowrap class='tabvalbus'>all costs in usd 1,000s</td>              </tr>          </table>          <br>          <br>          <br>          <br>          <table style="width:300px ">              <tr>                  <th nowrap class='colhead'>parameter selections: </th>                  <th class='colhead'></th>              </tr>              <tr>                  <td nowrap class='tabvalbus'>layout 1:</td>                  <td class='tabvalbus'>officer title detail</td>              </tr>              <tr>                  <td nowrap class='tabvalbus'>layout 2:</td>                  <td class='tabvalbus'>job group</td>              </tr>              <tr>                  <td nowrap class='tabvalbus'>mgd segment:</td>                  <td class='tabvalbus'>top</td>              </tr>              <tr>                  <td nowrap class='tabvalbus'>mgd geography:</td>                  <td class='tabvalbus'>all</td>              </tr>              <tr>                  <td nowrap class='tabvalbus'>physical region:</td>                  <td class='tabvalbus'>all</td>              </tr>              <tr>                  <td nowrap class='tabvalbus'>physical country:</td>                  <td class='tabvalbus'>all</td>              </tr>              <tr>                  <td nowrap class='tabvalbus'>officer title:</td>                  <td class='tabvalbus'>all</td>              </tr>              <tr>                  <td nowrap class='tabvalbus'>standard grade:</td>                  <td class='tabvalbus'>all</td>              </tr>              <tr>                  <td nowrap class='tabvalbus'>job function/family/group:</td>                  <td class='tabvalbus'>all</td>              </tr>              <tr>                  <td nowrap class='tabvalbus'>layout view:</td>                  <td class='tabvalbus'>rows</td>              </tr>              <tr>                  <td nowrap class='tabvalbus'>include committed headcount:</td>                  <td class='tabvalbus'>yes</td>              </tr>              <tr>                  <td nowrap class='tabvalbus'>include costs:</td>                  <td class='tabvalbus'>no</td>              </tr>              <tr>                  <td nowrap class='tabvalbus'>historical start date:</td>                  <td class='tabvalbus'>pme</td>              </tr>              <tr>                  <td nowrap class='tabvalbus'>historical end date:</td>                  <td class='tabvalbus'>current</td>              </tr>              <tr>                  <td nowrap class='tabvalbus'>future end date:</td>                  <td class='tabvalbus'>current</td>              </tr>          </table>          <br/>          <br/>          <br/>      </div>        </body>    </html>

please check above code , advice . sample data working fine , add more data div tags not working !

the problem table sturcture. have 2 options:

  • either create separate table in each div , remove main table in demo or

  • remove div , keep target ids each trs in demo

you can choose either of one

and yes not forget @tushar's suggestion remove duplicate jquery.js , jquery-ui.js


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