ios - Update AWSS3 with Cocoapods -

in project have 2 frameworks: awsruntime & awss3 , use upload images.

- (void)updateawscredentials:(nsdictionary *)awsobject {     if(awsobject && [awsobject iskindofclass:[nsdictionary class]]) {         self.key = awsobject[@"accesskeyid"];         self.secret = awsobject[@"secretaccesskey"];         self.token = awsobject[@"sessiontoken"];         self.profileimagepath = awsobject[@"fileprefixprofile"];         self.postimagepath = awsobject[@"fileprefixpost"];         self.bucket = awsobject[@"bucketname"];     } }  - (nsstring *)uploadimageobject:(haamazonimagecontainer *)imageobject {     nsdata *imagedata = uiimagejpegrepresentation(imageobject.image, 1.0);      nsstring *imagekey = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"%@_%f", imageobject.userid, [[nsdate date] timeintervalsince1970]];     imagekey = [imagekey stringbyreplacingoccurrencesofstring:@"." withstring:@"0"];      nsstring *imagepath = self.postimagepath;     if(imageobject.imagepath != haamazonpostimagepath) {         imagepath = self.profileimagepath;     }      @try{         // create s3 client.         amazoncredentials *lcredentials = [[amazoncredentials alloc] initwithaccesskey:self.key                                                                          withsecretkey:self.secret                                                                      withsecuritytoken:self.token];          amazons3client *s3 = [[amazons3client alloc] initwithcredentials:lcredentials];         s3putobjectrequest *por = [[s3putobjectrequest alloc] initwithkey:[nsstring stringwithformat:@"%@/%@.jpeg", imagepath, imagekey]                                                                  inbucket:self.bucket];         por.contenttype = @"image/jpeg";         por.cannedacl   = [s3cannedacl publicread];        = imagedata;         por.delegate    = self;         s3.endpoint = [amazonendpoints s3endpoint:us_west_2];         [s3 putobject:por];     }     @catch (amazonclientexception *exception) {         nslog(@"exception");     }     return [nsstring stringwithformat:@"http://%@/%@", self.bucket, [nsstring stringwithformat:@"%@/%@.jpeg", imagepath, imagekey]]; }  -(void)request:(amazonservicerequest *)request didcompletewithresponse:(amazonserviceresponse *)response {     nslog(@"complete response");     if([request iskindofclass:[s3putobjectrequest class]]) {         s3putobjectrequest *requestobj = (s3putobjectrequest *)request;          nsstring *key = @"";         nsarray *keys = [requestobj.key componentsseparatedbystring:@"/"];         if(keys.count == 2) {             key = keys[1];         }         nsdictionary *userinfo = [[nsdictionary alloc] initwithobjectsandkeys:key, image_key, nil];         [[nsnotificationcenter defaultcenter] postnotificationname:khaamazondiduploadimage object:nil userinfo:userinfo];     } } 

now want move cocoapods. i've imported awss3 pod 'awss3' , error: "cannot find protocol declaration 'amazonservicerequestdelegate'". find amazonservicerequestdelegate declaration or deprecated? clear question?

you using version 1 of aws mobile sdk ios. officially started supporting cocoapods version 2 of sdk, , awss3 used pull down version 2 of sdk. cannot use cocoapods install aws mobile sdk until migrate app use aws mobile sdk ios v2.

aws mobile sdk ios developer guide may started version 2 of sdk. please note not have backward compatibility version 1 of sdk.


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