Accessing Sibling Elements in XML DOM using Perl? -

for problem having user enter string search provider, provider select plan information appears in console. however, cannot find out how print out select provider + other information needed in one.

for example:

vodafone || 12 months || 120gb

vodafone || 24 months || 200gb

i have made start , not mind sting input can figure out later, cannot find how firstly search select provider , print information. every provider , information within < plan > node (see xml below).

xml file

<plans>     <internet>         <plan>             <technology>adsl2+</technology>             <length>12</length>             <provider>vodafone</provider>             <price>60</price>             <mincost>600</mincost>             <data>120</data>             <shaping>128</shaping>             <homebundle>true</homebundle>         </plan>         <plan>             <technology>adsl2+</technology>             <length>12</length>             <provider>telstra</provider>             <price>80</price>             <mincost>800</mincost>             <data>200</data>             <shaping>256</shaping>             <homebundle>true</homebundle>         </plan>          (etc.) 

and current perl file

use xml::dom;  $dom_obj; $xml_file= shift;  $parser = new xml::dom::parser;  die "unable parse xml document\n" unless $dom_obj = $parser->parsefile($xml_file);  @nodes = $dom_obj->getelementsbytagname("plan"); #return list of objects of 'plan'  foreach $elem (@nodes) #for each 'plan' object {     foreach $child ($elem->getchildelements) #should return each element under plan?     {         print $child->getnodevalue; #should print elements         print " ";     }     print "\n"; }  

i tried if-statement thinking close received errors.

foreach $elem (@nodes) {     if($elem->getelementbytagname("provider")->getfirstchild->getnodevalue =~ /vodafone/){         print "$unit->getelementbytagname("provider")->getfirstchild->getnodevalue";         print " || ";         print "$unit->getelementbytagname("length")->getfirstchild->getnodevalue";         print " || "; 

any appreciated :)

i'm not familiar xml::dom tend pick xml::twig instead. this:

#!/usr/bin/perl  use strict; use warnings; use xml::twig;  $provider = 'vodafone';  sub print_plan_summary {    ( $twig, $plan ) = @_;     return unless $plan -> first_child_text('provider') eq $provider;      print join ( "||",  $plan -> first_child_text('provider'),                         $plan -> first_child_text('length')." months",                         $plan -> first_child_text('data'). " gb" ); }  $twig = xml::twig -> new ( twig_handlers => { 'plan' => \&print_plan_summary } ) -> parsefile('yourxml.xml'); 

xml::twig allows set handlers, take subsets of xml (in case plan elements) , process them individually. because can this, can manipulate go, or 'simply' extract data them.


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