sqlite - How do I count distinct combinations of column values? -

i use sqlite log every user's every access server. every time user uses function, append record database.

the database looks like:

usr_id  fun_id 3       1       // user_3 used function_1 2       13      // user_2 used function_13 3       11      // user_3 used function_11 2       1       // user_2 used function_1 7       2       // ... 

usr_id stands user, fun_id stands functions login / send_text / logout...

i want know each function's usage, used , how many times, plot gnuplot. in short, need plotting:

fun_id  usr_id  used_count   1       2       1           // user_2 used function_1 once 1       3       1           // user_3 used function_1 once 2       7       1           // user_7 used function_2 once 13      2       3           // user_2 used function_13 3 times 

how generate sql query?

just use count(*) along grouping:

select fun_id, usr_id, count(*) used_count tablename group fun_id, usr_id order fun_id, usr_id; 


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