apache2 - Missing information while migrating SVN repo from one server to another -

i want migrate data old svn server new server. need svn location 2 folders trunk , branch. want able add new folders @ later point in time can move source code new branches. followed steps @ link though ubuntu 12.04. steps tried follows user home:

mkdir /home/user/svn cd /home/user/svn sudo mkdirs trunk branch sudo svnadmin create trunk sudo svnadmin create branch sudo svnadmin --force-uuid load /home/user/svn/trunk < /home/user/sample.svn_dump 

my /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dav_svn.conf looks like:

 <location /svn>                    dav svn            svnparentpath /home/user/svn           authtype basic       authname "subversion repository"       authuserfile /etc/apache2/dav_svn.passwd           require valid-user         </location> 

after successful loading data when access http://{ip}/svn/trunk see internal server error

can suggest on new svnadmin , configurations.

error logs apache2 logs:

[notice] caught sigterm, shutting down [notice] apache/2.2.22 (ubuntu) dav/2 svn/1.6.17 configured -- resuming normal operations [error] [client] not fetch resource information.  [403, #0] [error] [client] (2)no such file or directory: uri not contain name of repository.  [403$ [error] [client] file not exist: /var/www/favicon.ico 

try access /home/user/svn/trunk locally file: protocol

something this:

svn ls file:///home/user/svn/trunk 

possible show more clear error message.


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