ruby - How to load a ERB, edit and save it to the disk using Rails and ERB -

ok, imagine have template file:

<virtualhost *:80>   <%= "servername #{@user[:domain]}" %>   <%= "serveralias #{@user[:domain]}" &>   documentroot "/my/app/path"   errorlog <%= "/private/var/log/apache2/#{@user[:domain]}-error_log" %>   customlog <%= "/private/var/log/apache2/#{@user[:domain]}-access_log" %> common   <directory "/my/app/path">     options indexes followsymlinks     allowoverride     order allow,deny     allow   </directory> </virtualhost> 

and load file, replace variable actual data , save file?

i know gist of read , save files disk ruby, i'm not sure how replace variables actual data while saving it.

any ideas?

@foo = "world" think need"hello <%= @foo%>").result # "hello world"


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