java - How to show specific scrollpane in a CardLayout? -

i have list of jpanel components. want open corresponding panel based on clicking button. while clicking button, pass panel name. in case panel have more components, adding each panel jscrollpane , adding these scroll panes cardlayout.

based on example, here code adding panel card layout:

final jpanel  cards=new jpanel(new cardlayout()); cards.setpreferredsize(new dimension(600, 550)); (jpanel p:panels) {     jscrollpane scrollpanel=new jscrollpane(p);     scrollpanel.setname(p.getname());     scrollpanel.sethorizontalscrollbarpolicy(jscrollpane.horizontal_scrollbar_as_needed);     scrollpanel.setverticalscrollbarpolicy(jscrollpane.vertical_scrollbar_as_needed);     cards.add(scrollpanel); } cardlayout cardlayout=(cardlayout) cards.getlayout();, "name");  control.add(new jbutton(new abstractaction("\u22b2prev") {      @override     public void actionperformed(actionevent e) {         cardlayout cl = (cardlayout) cards.getlayout();         cl.previous(cards);     } }));  control.add(new jbutton(new abstractaction("next\u22b3") {      @override     public void actionperformed(actionevent e) {         cardlayout cl = (cardlayout) cards.getlayout();;     } })); 

but clicking button shows first panel in card layout.

how solve problem? can use scroll pane name instead of panel name in show method?

yes right.

a scroll pane may added directly card layout:

jpanel mypanel = new jpanel(); jscrollpane myscroll = new jscrollpane(mypanel); this.add(myscroll, "name"); cardlayout cl = (cardlayout) this.getlayout();, "name"); 


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