firefox driver - Selenium webdriver script is taking more time to execute around 5-7 min when it tries to input text in textbox -

i have 1 screen in able select 2 option

  1. online delivery
  2. offline delivery , label

as select 1 option selenium script becomes slow

next option enter input text in phone number takes around 5-7 min

    if(deliveryoption.equals("uk_delivery"))         {             /*webelement element = driver.findelement(by.xpath("//div[@id='deliverychoices']/div/label[@for='selecthomedelivery']"));         javascriptexecutor executor = (javascriptexecutor)driver;         executor.executescript("arguments[0].click();", element);*/             driver.findelement(by.cssselector(".deliverychoiceselect>label[for='selecthomedelivery']>div[class='emarketingspot']")).click();             //thread.sleep(3000);             //webelement link = driver.findelement("changetitleandnamedetailslink"));             //commonutils.verifyandclick(link,"", true);                 //executor.executescript("arguments[0].click();", phonenumber);              driver.findelement(by.xpath("//div[3]/div[2][@class='singleinput']/input[@id='_phone1']")).sendkeys("1234567890" +;             //commonutils.verifyelementexist(phonenumber, "phone number text box not present", true);             //  commonutils.verifyandinputtext(phonenumber, "1234567890", "phone number text box not present", true);             commonutils.verifyandinputtext(postalcode, "w1a 1ab", "postal code number text not present", true);             commonutils.verifyandclick(findaddressbtn, "find address button not available", true);             commonutils.waitmaxseconds();             commonutils.verifyandclick(choosedeliveryoption, "select delivery button not available", true); 


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