google apps script - Calling FormApp within doGet(e) function -

i relatively new scripting, please kind.

i trying create function bound form within google apps, including webapp captures 3 variables (requestnum, approvernum, , status) , obtains various other information formapp (e.g titles, responses, etc).

i receiving - typeerror: cannot call method "getid" of null on line 3 of below code (which bound form).

any guidance in being able call form information within doget function appreciated! thank you.

  function doget(e){   var form = formapp.getactiveform();   var formid = form.getid();   var items = form.getitems();   var d = new date();   var formatteddate = utilities.formatdate(d, "gmt+11", "mmm dd yyyy");   var conn = jdbc.getconnection(dburl, user, userpwd);    var stmt = conn.preparestatement('insert approvals '       + '(formid, requestnum, approvernum, status, date) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)');   stmt.setstring(1, formid);   stmt.setstring(2, e.parameter.requestnum);   stmt.setstring(3, e.parameter.approvernum);   stmt.setstring(4, e.parameter.status);   stmt.setstring(5, d);   stmt.execute();    var nextapprovernum = e.parameter.approvernum + 1;   var answer = e.parameter.status;   var requestnum = e.parameter.requestnum;   var nextapproveremail = e.parameter.reply;    var titles = [];   (i=0; i<items.length; i++) {   titles.push(items[i].gettitle());   }    var responses = [];   var formresponses = form.getresponses();   var itemresponses = formresponses[requestnum-1].getitemresponses();     (var j = 0; j < itemresponses.length; j++) {     responses.push(itemresponses[j].getresponse());   }   ....etc 

under right conditions access, code you're having problems works. should review settings you've used publishing web app.

this snippet focuses on issue you've brought up, , works expected:

function doget(e){ //  var form = formapp.getactiveform(); // typeerror: cannot call method "getid" of null.   var form = formapp.openbyid('17ltbrlmqxggvadlnpc6dgtzf1f2scea1rc9zipbu_uq');   var formid = form.getid();   var items = form.getitems();   return contentservice.createtextoutput("form contains "+items.length+"items."); } 



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