Using Google Analytics for android widget -

i want use google analytics first time.

i have simple widget , when click simple activity opens up. not complicated. put following code in oncreate-method of activity:

public static googleanalytics analytics; public static tracker tracker;   ... here in oncreate  if(analytics == null || tracker == null){             analytics = googleanalytics.getinstance(this);             analytics.setlocaldispatchperiod(1800);              tracker = analytics.newtracker("ua-11111111-1");             tracker.enableexceptionreporting(true);             tracker.enableadvertisingidcollection(true);             tracker.enableautoactivitytracking(true);         } 

do have put same code in onupdate-method of appwidgetprovider or enough? widget on screen counted active user in google analytics , if so, google analytics count 2 active users if have widget on screen , open app or google smart enough know both (widget , app) on same device?


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