powershell - Render an HTML snippet without saving it to a file -

i have powershell command returns html snippet:

(get-azureresourcegroupgallerytemplate -identity microsoft.websitesqldatabase.0.3.17-preview).description 

enter image description here

is there way render snippet without first saving file? e.g. perhaps throw web browser?

create new internet explorer instance , inject html snippet body of blank page:

$id   = 'microsoft.websitesqldatabase.0.3.17-preview' $html = (get-azureresourcegroupgallerytemplate -identity $id).description  $ie = new-object -com 'internetexplorer.application'  $ie.navigate('about:blank') {   start-sleep -milliseconds 100 } until ($ie.readystate -eq 4)  $ie.document.body.innerhtml = $html  $ie.visible = $true 


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