c# - EventHandler inside loop for several Windows Forms -

my code creating multiple instances of form different controls , events. done while incrementing i total amount of forms. aim add event button control in form. forms instances of ticker, subclass of form have created.

the issue have when click on button @ run-time, event handler kicks in , i out of bounds loop has finished.

a snippet of code below, event handler integrated loop incrementing i houses switches. way thisobject equal current active ticker while still keeping event handler in loop? edit: i've provided full class better clarity. section in question follows through action_set>>email>>trigger>>click cases.

   public partial class desktoptickers : form     {         public desktoptickers(list<string> tickerargs)         {             initializecomponent();             this.opacity = 0;             this.showintaskbar = false;             int totaltickers = tickerargs.count();              rectangle screenbounds = getdpisaferesolution();             size iconsizedefault = this.size;                                                                      string icondirectory = @"\\server\tickers\";             string iconsuffix = "_icon.png";             string configdirectory = @"\\server\tickers\";             string configsuffix = ".txt";             char paramdelimiter = ':';             char controldelimiter = '=';             char[] controlseparatorl = {'('};             char controlseparatorr = ')';             char actiondelimiter = '=';             char[] actionseparatorl = {'('};             char actionseparatorr = ')';             char propertydelimiter = '-';             int maxwidthdefault = iconsizedefault.width;                                                                                          int maxheightdefault = iconsizedefault.height;                                                                                          ticker[] tickers = new ticker[tickerargs.count()];             list<control> controls = new list<control>();              (int = 0; < tickerargs.count(); i++)                                                                    {                 string tickerarg = tickerargs[i];                                                                                string tickerconfigpath = configdirectory + tickerarg + configsuffix;                                            string tickerresourcepath = icondirectory + @"\" + tickerarg + @"\";                 string tickericonpath = tickerresourcepath + tickerarg + iconsuffix;                 tickers[i] = new ticker(screenbounds, tickerarg, i+1, tickerargs.count(), iconsizedefault,                                          maxheightdefault, maxwidthdefault, tickericonpath);                 string[] tickerconfigcontents = file.readalllines(tickerconfigpath);                 (int j = 0; j < tickerconfigcontents.length; j++)                                {                     string thisconfigline = tickerconfigcontents[j];                                                                         int configparamend = thisconfigline.indexof(paramdelimiter);                                                             if (configparamend < 0) { configparamend = 0; }                     string tickerconfigparam = thisconfigline.substring(0, configparamend);                                                string tickerconfigvalue = thisconfigline.substring(configparamend + 1);                     switch (tickerconfigparam.tolower())                                                         {   //ticker level parameters                         case "icon_width":                             tickers[i].iconwidth = convert.toint32(tickerconfigvalue);                             break;                         case "icon_height":                             tickers[i].iconheight = convert.toint32(tickerconfigvalue);                             break;                         case "max_width":                                                                                 tickers[i].maxwidth = convert.toint32(tickerconfigvalue);                                     break;                         case "max_height":                                                                                tickers[i].maxheight = convert.toint32(tickerconfigvalue);                               break;                         case "control_set":                                (int k = j + 1; k < tickerconfigcontents.length; k++)                                     {   //control level parameters                                 string thiscontrolline = tickerconfigcontents[k];                                  if(thiscontrolline == "end") { break; }                                 int controlparamend = thiscontrolline.indexof(controldelimiter);                                  string thiscontroltype = thiscontrolline.substring(0, controlparamend);                                 string thiscontroldetails = thiscontrolline.substring(controlparamend+ 1);                                 thiscontroldetails = thiscontroldetails.replace(controlseparatorr.tostring(), "");                                 string[] controlproperties = thiscontroldetails.split(controlseparatorl, stringsplitoptions.removeemptyentries);                                  switch (thiscontroltype.tolower())                                  {   //control type level parameters                                     case "image":                                                           picturebox thisimage = new picturebox();                                          (int l = 0; l < controlproperties.length; l++)                                         {                                             string thisproperty = controlproperties[l];                                             int propertyparamend = thisproperty.indexof(propertydelimiter);                                             string propertytype = thisproperty.substring(0, propertyparamend - 1);                                             string propertyvalue = thisproperty.substring(propertyparamend + 2);                                             switch (propertytype.tolower())                                             {   //property level parameters                                                 case "file":                                                     try { thisimage.backgroundimage = image.fromfile(tickerresourcepath + propertyvalue); }                                                     catch { thisimage.backgroundimage = thisimage.errorimage; }                                                     break;                                                 case "bounds":                                                     char[] pointdelimiter = { ',' };                                                     string[] boundsvalues = propertyvalue.split(pointdelimiter);                                                     rectangle bounds = new rectangle(                                                                             new point(convert.toint32(boundsvalues[0]), convert.toint32(boundsvalues[1])),                                                                             new size(convert.toint32(boundsvalues[2]), convert.toint32(boundsvalues[3])));                                                     thisimage.bounds = bounds;                                                     break;                                                 case "layout":                                                     switch(propertyvalue.tolower())                                                     {                                                         case "stretch":                                                             thisimage.backgroundimagelayout = imagelayout.stretch;                                                             break;                                                         case "zoom":                                                             thisimage.backgroundimagelayout = imagelayout.zoom;                                                             break;                                                         case "tile":                                                             thisimage.backgroundimagelayout = imagelayout.tile;                                                             break;                                                         case "center":                                                             thisimage.backgroundimagelayout = imagelayout.center;                                                             break;                                                         default:                                                             thisimage.backgroundimagelayout = imagelayout.none;                                                             break;                                                     }                                                     break;                                                 case "id":                                                     thisimage.name = propertyvalue;                                                     break;                                             }                                             tickers[i].controls.add(thisimage);                                             thisimage.show();                                         }                                         break;                                     case "label":                                         label thislabel = new label();                                         (int l = 0; l < controlproperties.length; l++)                                         {                                             string thisproperty = controlproperties[l];                                             int propertyparamend = thisproperty.indexof(propertydelimiter);                                             string propertytype = thisproperty.substring(0, propertyparamend - 1);                                             string propertyvalue = thisproperty.substring(propertyparamend + 2);                                             thislabel.borderstyle = system.windows.forms.borderstyle.fixedsingle;                                             switch (propertytype.tolower())                                             {   //property level parameters                                                 case "text":                                                     thislabel.text = propertyvalue;                                                     break;                                                 case "font":                                                     char fontdelimiter = ',';                                                     int fontsplitindex = propertyvalue.indexof(fontdelimiter);                                                     string fontname = propertyvalue.substring(0, fontsplitindex);                                                     string fontsize = propertyvalue.substring(fontsplitindex + 1);                                                     int fontsizenum = int.parse(fontsize);                                                     thislabel.font = new font(propertyvalue, fontsizenum);                                                     break;                                                 case "bounds":                                                     char[] pointdelimiter = {','};                                                     string[] boundsvalues = propertyvalue.split(pointdelimiter);                                                     rectangle bounds = new rectangle(                                                                             new point(convert.toint32(boundsvalues[0]), convert.toint32(boundsvalues[1])),                                                                             new size(convert.toint32(boundsvalues[2]), convert.toint32(boundsvalues[3])));                                                     thislabel.bounds = bounds;                                                     break;                                                 case "id":                                                     thislabel.name = propertyvalue;                                                     break;                                             }                                             thislabel.show();                                             tickers[i].controls.add(thislabel);                                         }                                         break;                                     case "button":                                         button thisbutton = new button();                                         (int l = 0; l < controlproperties.length; l++)                                         {                                             string thisproperty = controlproperties[l];                                             int propertyparamend = thisproperty.indexof(propertydelimiter);                                             string propertytype = thisproperty.substring(0, propertyparamend - 1);                                             string propertyvalue = thisproperty.substring(propertyparamend + 2);                                             switch (propertytype.tolower())                                             {                                                 case "text":                                                     thisbutton.text = propertyvalue;                                                     break;                                                 case "font":                                                     char fontdelimiter = ',';                                                     int fontsplitindex = propertyvalue.indexof(fontdelimiter);                                                     string fontname = propertyvalue.substring(0, fontsplitindex);                                                     string fontsize = propertyvalue.substring(fontsplitindex + 1);                                                     int fontsizenum = int.parse(fontsize);                                                     thisbutton.font = new font(propertyvalue, fontsizenum);                                                     break;                                                 case "bounds":                                                     char[] pointdelimiter = { ',' };                                                     string[] boundsvalues = propertyvalue.split(pointdelimiter);                                                     rectangle bounds = new rectangle(                                                                             new point(convert.toint32(boundsvalues[0]), convert.toint32(boundsvalues[1])),                                                                             new size(convert.toint32(boundsvalues[2]), convert.toint32(boundsvalues[3])));                                                     thisbutton.bounds = bounds;                                                     break;                                                 case "id":                                                     thisbutton.name = propertyvalue;                                                     break;                                             }                                             thisbutton.show();                                             tickers[i].controls.add(thisbutton);                                         }                                         break;                                     case "textbox":                                         textbox thistextbox = new textbox();                                         (int l = 0; l < controlproperties.length; l++)                                         {                                             string thisproperty = controlproperties[l];                                             int propertyparamend = thisproperty.indexof(propertydelimiter);                                             string propertytype = thisproperty.substring(0, propertyparamend - 1);                                             string propertyvalue = thisproperty.substring(propertyparamend + 2);                                             thistextbox.borderstyle = system.windows.forms.borderstyle.fixedsingle;                                             switch (propertytype.tolower())                                             {   //property level parameters                                                 case "text":                                                     thistextbox.text = propertyvalue;                                                     break;                                                 case "font":                                                     char fontdelimiter = ',';                                                     int fontsplitindex = propertyvalue.indexof(fontdelimiter);                                                     string fontname = propertyvalue.substring(0, fontsplitindex);                                                     string fontsize = propertyvalue.substring(fontsplitindex + 1);                                                     int fontsizenum = int.parse(fontsize);                                                     thistextbox.font = new font(propertyvalue, fontsizenum);                                                     break;                                                 case "bounds":                                                     char[] pointdelimiter = { ',' };                                                     string[] boundsvalues = propertyvalue.split(pointdelimiter);                                                     rectangle bounds = new rectangle(                                                                             new point(convert.toint32(boundsvalues[0]), convert.toint32(boundsvalues[1])),                                                                             new size(convert.toint32(boundsvalues[2]), convert.toint32(boundsvalues[3])));                                                     thistextbox.bounds = bounds;                                                     break;                                                 case "id":                                                     thistextbox.name = propertyvalue;                                                     break;                                             }                                             thistextbox.show();                                             tickers[i].controls.add(thistextbox);                                         }                                         break;                                 }                             }                             break;                         case "action_set":                             (int k = j + 1; k < tickerconfigcontents.length; k++)                                                                     {   //action level parameters                                 string thisactionline = tickerconfigcontents[k];                                                                              if (thisactionline == "end") { break; }                                 int actionparamend = thisactionline.indexof(actiondelimiter);                                        string thisactiontype = thisactionline.substring(0, actionparamend);                                 string thisactiondetails = thisactionline.substring(actionparamend + 1);                                 thisactiondetails = thisactiondetails.replace(actionseparatorr.tostring(), "");                                  string[] actionproperties = thisactiondetails.split(actionseparatorl, stringsplitoptions.removeemptyentries);                                 control thisobject = new control();                                 switch (thisactiontype.tolower())                                                                                           {   //action type level parameters                                     case "email":                                         //email requires trigger, objectid, action send email, email action params                                         (int l = 0; l < actionproperties.length; l++)                                         {                                             string thisproperty = actionproperties[l];                                             int propertyparamend = thisproperty.indexof(propertydelimiter);                                             string propertytype = thisproperty.substring(0, propertyparamend - 1);                                             string propertyvalue = thisproperty.substring(propertyparamend + 2);                                             string emaildomain = "";                                             string emailserver = "";                                             int emailport = 0;                                             string emailtemplate = "";                                             string emailrecipient = "";                                             switch (propertytype.tolower())                                             {                                                 case "domain":                                                     emaildomain = propertyvalue;                                                     break;                                                 case "server":                                                     emailserver = propertyvalue;                                                     break;                                                 case "port":                                                     emailport = convert.toint32(propertyvalue);                                                     break;                                                 case "file":                                                     emailtemplate = tickerresourcepath + propertyvalue;                                                     break;                                                 case "recipient":                                                     emailrecipient = propertyvalue;                                                     break;                                                 case "object":                                                     thisobject = tickers[i].controls.find(propertyvalue, false).firstordefault() control;                                                     //thisobject = objects[0];                                                     break;                                                 case "trigger":                                                     tickers[i].setemailproperties(emaildomain, emailserver, emailport, emailtemplate, emailrecipient);                                                     switch(propertyvalue.tolower())                                                     {                                                         case "click":                                                             thisobject.mousedown += new mouseeventhandler((sender, e)                                                                 => tickers[i].sendemail_event(sender, e));                                                             break;                                                     }                                                     break;                                             }                                         }                                         break;                                 }                             }                             break;                     }                 }                 tickers[i].show();             }         }           private rectangle getdpisaferesolution()         {             using (graphics graphics = this.creategraphics())             {                 return new rectangle(new point(0, 0), new size((screen.primaryscreen.bounds.width * (int)graphics.dpix) / 96                 , (screen.primaryscreen.bounds.height * (int)graphics.dpiy) / 96));             }         }      } 

this seems capture issue. need capture value of i when form created , keep value when create event handler. can done creating new variable ivalue or tickerind while creating form , using variable rather i in event handler code.

i writing answer little bit speculatively. please provide larger code snippet allow see creation code form , handler. believe current code follows. part marked "code based on i" code snippet have provided.

for (var = 0; < formcount; ++i) {     var form = new ticker();     form.button.onclicked += () =>         {             //code based on             dosomething(i);         }; } 

it needs follows:

for (var = 0; < formcount; ++i) {     var formind = i;     var form = new ticker();     form.button.onclicked += () =>         {             //code based on             dosomething(formind);         }; } 

edit: need change following code:

case "click":     //replace tickerind, capture current value of     var tickerind = i;     thisobject.mousedown += new mouseeventhandler((sender, e)       => tickers[tickerind].sendemail_event(sender, e)); break; 

note: code seems need refactoring. first of all, don't need ticker[] tickers, can following:

public desktoptickers(list<string> tickerargs) {     (var = 0; < tickerargs.count; ++i)     {         var tickerarg = tickerargs[i];         var ticker = new ticker(...);         //your whole initialization code goes here         //replace "tickers[i]" "ticker"         ticker.show();     } } 

afterwards, can further refactoring moving initialization ticker constructor , further divide initializtion methods.


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