multithreading - Passing an Argument in a periodic runnable task execution using handler in Android -

i have created periodic execution of runnable task using handler in android, want pass argument in periodic task execution, have tried 2 approaches pass argument,

1 - declaring class in method

void foo(string str) {     class oneshottask implements runnable {         string str;         oneshottask(string s) { str = s; }         public void run() {             somefunc(str);         }     }     thread t = new thread(new oneshottask(str));     t.start(); } 

2 - , putting in function

string paramstr = "a parameter"; runnable myrunnable = createrunnable(paramstr);  private runnable createrunnable(final string paramstr){      runnable arunnable = new runnable(){         public void run(){             somefunc(paramstr);         }     };      return arunnable;  } 

reference these above 2 approach can found on runnable parameter?

below code in have used 1 approach, either use 1 or 2 approach there 2 problems remains passing argument in periodic runnable task,

1 problem - counter variable inside class overwritten every time code repeats itself. if define counter variable outside of class , method global variable instead of local variable works fine, not requirement.

2 problem - assume 1 problem solved using counter variable global variable counter increments after first execution , second execution unregistered sensor i.e. msensorlistener unable remove further callbacks command,

// removes pending code execution staticdetectionhandler.removecallbacks(staticdetectionrunnablecode(null)); 

this above command not working onpause method, still periodically execute after command execution ? don't able understand happening, can provide solution ? below code,

runnable staticdetectionrunnablecode(string str){      class staticdetectionrunnableclass implements runnable{         string str;         private int counter = 0;          staticdetectionrunnableclass(string str){             this.str = str;         }          @override         public void run() {             // here             log.e("", "staticdetectinohandler called");              debug.out(str + " , value of " + counter);              // repeat runnable code block again every 5 sec, hence periodic execution...             staticdetectionhandler.postdelayed(staticdetectionrunnablecode(str), constants.delay_in_msec * 5);  // 5 second              if(counter >= 1){                 // removes pending code execution                 staticdetectionhandler.removecallbacks(staticdetectionrunnablecode(null));                  // unregister listener                 msensormanager.unregisterlistener(msensorlistener);             }             counter++;         }     }      thread t = new thread(new staticdetectionrunnableclass(str));     return t; } 


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