Error handling in shell script -

i have following shell script. throws following error if there no file exist in folder. so, how handle script doesn't stop executing?


   mv: cannot stat `*': no such file or directory  


for file in *             fl=$(basename "$file")                     flname="${fl%%.*}"                       gunzip "$file"         mv "$flname" "$flname-nxdweb2"          tar -zcf "$flname-nxdweb2".tar.gz "$flname-nxdweb2"         rm "$flname-nxdweb2"    done; 

if shell bash, can allow * expand null string: shopt -s nullglob before loop.

btw, might want explicitly specify uncompressed filename produce, in case logic doesn't agree gunzip's (which won't, if there's more 1 dot in name, or file ends .tgz or .taz):

gunzip -c "$file" >"$flname" 

(you need remove original in case, though)

you can avoid need move, too:


and might want use trap ensure temporaries cleaned in failure case (possible make temporaries in $tmpdir, too).


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