visual studio - Upgraded C++ Project to VS2015, but the Linker is still looking for VC100 Boost library -

i have upgraded c++ project vs2008 vs2015.
platform toolset set visual studio 2015 (v140). if matters, target platform version set 8.1.

i built boost using toolset=msvc-14.0 , put built libraries place project expecting them.

when build project, linker error:

lnk1104 cannot open file 'libboost_thread-vc100-mt-1_43.lib' 

why looking vc100 library , not vc140 one?

  1. it's first project out of 2 failing.
  2. in .vcproj file there no reference can see vc100.

linking boost libraries on windows done automatically through auto linking , #pragma directives. version number looks link against defined in boost\config\auto_link.hpp goes through bunch of #if , #elifs on msvc version , if version higher of ones knows sets version number highest 1 knows about. boost 1.57 vc140, version of boost presumably vc100.


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