Error of update(conn,tablename,colnames,data,whereClause) by using matlab connect ODBC and mySQL server 5.6 -

isn't coding typing wrong way? need create update button user can edit information using matlab. after update, button need connect mysql server 5.6 , odbc connector. code:

% --- executes on button press in update.  function update_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles)  % hobject    handle update (see gcbo)  % eventdata  reserved - defined in future version of matlab  % handles    structure handles , user data (see guidata)   %display dialog box confirm save  choice = questdlg('confirm update database?', ...     '', ...     'yes','no','yes');  % handle dialog box response switch choice     case 'yes'  %set preferences setdbprefs. setdbprefs('datareturnformat', 'cellarray');  %make connection database.  conn = database('animal_cbir', '', '');  %test if database connection valid testconnection = isconnection(conn); disp(testconnection);  fileid = getappdata(0,'namevalue');  imageid = fileid;  name = get(handles.edit11,'string');  commonname = get(handles.edit1,'string');   scientificname = get(handles.edit2,'string');  class = get(handles.edit3,'string');  diet = get(handles.edit4,'string');   habitat = get(handles.edit5,'string');  lifespan = get(handles.edit6,'string');  size = get(handles.edit7,'string');  weight = get(handles.edit8,'string');  characteristic = get(handles.edit10,'string');    tablename = 'animal';  colnames ={'imageid','name','commonname','scientificname','class','diet','habitat','lifespan','size','weight','characteristic'};  data = {imageid,name,commonname,scientificname,class,diet,habitat,lifespan,size,weight,characteristic};  disp (data);   whereclause = sprintf(['where imageid = "%s"'],fileid);  update(conn,tablename,colnames,data,whereclause);     updatesuccess = helpdlg('existing animal species updated in database.');    commit(conn);       case 'no'  end 

error getting:

no method 'setint' matching signature found class 'sun.jdbc.odbc.jdbcodbcpreparedstatement'.  

hope can me solve it.


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