c - static structure initialization with function pointers -

i have initialized structure of static function name shown below.

we have initialize static structure constants. function names constants in c?

struct fp {         int (*fn)(); }; int f1() {         printf("f1 called \n");         return 0; } static struct fp fps = {         .fn = f1, }; int main() {         fps.fn();         return 0; } 

if compiling without issues when initialized structure shown below.

static struct fp fps = {         .fn = &f1, }; 

in c function name both f1 , &f1 same?

f1 name of function. in contexts, when used expression, function name decays automatically pointer function. 1 context decay doesn't happen when function name operand of address-of operator (&). evaluated expressions, f1 , &f1 same.

in fact, in any function call expression f(args), f pointer function. reason can call functions name because of automatic decay function name function pointer.

you can turns around , dereference function pointers, too. they'll decay pointer right away:

int f(void);  f();         // "f" decays &f (&f)();      // normal call via function pointer, no implicit decay (*f)();      // why not (*****f)();  // ditto 


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