Regex newbie: How to isolate 'num-num-num' in a string -

i'm sure super simple question many of you, i've started learning regex , @ moment can't life of me isolate i'm after following:

june 2015 - won / void / lost = 3-0-1 

i need solution isolate 'num-num-num' part @ end of string work positive integers.

thanks help


so line of code scrapy spider i'm writing produces line above:

tips_str = sel.xpath('//*[@class="recent-picks"]//div[@class="title3"]/text()').extract()[0] 

i've tried isolate part i'm after with:

    tips_str = sel.xpath('//*[@class="recent-picks"]//div[@class="title3"]/text()').re(r'\d+-\d+-\d+$').extract()[0] 

no luck though :(

the regex capture is:


it works follows:

  • \d+- means: capture 1 or more digits (the numbers [0-9]), , "-".
  • $ means: should @ end of line.

translating full regex pattern:

capture 1 or more digits, hyphen, 1 or more digits, hyphen, 1 or more digits, , should @ end of string.

edit: addressing edits , comments:

i'm not sure mean "isolate". i'll assume mean want tips_str equal "3-0-1".

i believe easiest way first use xpath extract string entire line without doing regex. then, when we're dealing string (instead of xpath stuff), should nice , easy use regex , pattern out.

as far understand, sel.xpath('//*[@class="recent-picks"]//div[@class="title3"]/text()').extract()[0] (without .re()) providing string: "june 2015 - won / void / lost = 3-0-1".

so then:

full_str = sel.xpath('//*[@class="recent-picks"]//div[@class="title3"]/text()').extract()[0] 

now we've got full string, can use standard string regex pluck part want out:

tips_str = false  search ='\d+-\d+-\d+$', full_str) if(search):     tips_str = 

now tips_str equal "3-0-1". if pattern wasn't matched @ all, it'd instead equal false.

if of assumptions wrong let me know what's happening (like if .extract()[0] isn't giving string, giving back?) , i'll try adjust response.


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