dictionary - Putting words from a file into a hash map (c++) -

so, have text file quite long (10k+ words) , trying put each unique word hash map using standard map library.

i have while loop reading each word file. problem is, while loop never seems end. put if statement in loop if reached eof() break loop. still not end. here code far:

#include <iostream> #include <map> #include <string> #include <fstream> #include <cctype> using namespace std;   string lowercase(string isupper);  void main() { //create hash map map<string, int> stringcounts;  //temp string string nextstring;  //import file/write file ofstream writefile; ifstream goosefile;  //open file read goosefile.open("goose.txt"); if (goosefile.is_open()) {     //read file word word     while (goosefile >> nextstring) { //works not change         //check punctuation         (int = 0; < nextstring.length(); i++) { //works not change             if (nextstring[i] == ',' || nextstring[i] == '!' || nextstring[i] == ';' || nextstring[i] == '-' || nextstring[i] == '.' || nextstring[i] == '?' || nextstring[i] == ':' || nextstring[i] == '"' || nextstring[i] == '(' || nextstring[i] == ')' || nextstring[i] == '_' || nextstring[i] == '\'') {                 nextstring.erase(i, i);                 i--;             }         }         //put lowercase         nextstring = lowercase(nextstring); //works not change         //cout << nextstring << endl;          //increment key value         stringcounts[nextstring]++;          if (goosefile.eof())             break;     } }  //close current file goosefile.close(); cout << "i got here!"; //now print output file writefile.open("output.txt"); if (writefile.is_open()) {     cout << "its open again";     //write size of map     writefile << "the size of hash map " << stringcounts.size() << endl;     //write words in map     //create iterator     map<string, int>::iterator = stringcounts.begin();     //iterate through map      while (i != stringcounts.end()) {         writefile << "the key , value : (" << i->first << "," << i->second << ")\n";         i++;     } } else     cout << "cant open\n"; }   string lowercase(string isupper) {     string toreplace = isupper;     (int = 0; < toreplace.length(); i++) {         if (toreplace[i] >= 65 && toreplace[i] <= 90) {             toreplace[i] = tolower(toreplace[i]);         }     }     return toreplace; } 

nextstring.erase(i, i); 

i doubt want. string::erase (the 1 calling) expects position (for start erasing) , count (for how many characters erase). line erases number of characters equivalent position of character in string. so, example, if i 0, erase 0 characters. combine fact next line:


and if first character punctuation, i stay @ 0 , loop never end. if want erase 1 character, can this:

nextstring.erase(i, 1); 

but better replace whole loop , use remove/erase idiom.

auto new_end = std::remove_if(nextstring.begin(), nextstring.end(),         [](char c) {             // return true if c punctuation         }); nextstring.erase(new_end, nextstring.end()); 


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