c# - Getting Error in JSON from Web API values -

i want string values dota web api format json failed so, url displaying values it's not formatted want, need know what's wrong code?

the error:

an unhandled exception of type 'system.reflection.targetinvocationexception' occurred in mscorlib.dll  additional information: exception has been thrown target of invocation. 

json file

{     "result":      {         "games":[         {             "players":[             {                 "account_id": 7054833,                 "name": "Директор",                 "hero_id": 62,                 "team": 0             },             {                 "account_id": 228767798,                 "name": "ya.хз",                 "hero_id": 93,                 "team": 1             }],             "radiant_team":             {                 "team_name": "ing.gaming",                 "team_id": 2374581,                 "team_logo": 534020692608135988,                 "complete": false             },             "dire_team":             {                 "team_name": "night_players",                 "team_id": 2090745,                 "team_logo": 36365589572601277,                 "complete": false             },                "lobby_id": 24047453607354324,             "match_id": 1524116173,             "spectators": 146,             "league_id": 2091,             "stream_delay_s": 120,             "radiant_series_wins": 0,             "dire_series_wins": 0,             "series_type": 0,             "league_tier": 1,             "scoreboard":             {                 "duration": 1233.2655029296875,                 "roshan_respawn_timer": 0,                 "radiant":                  {                     "score": 11,                     "tower_state": 1574,                     "barracks_state": 63,                     "picks":[                     {                         "hero_id": 26                     },                     {                         "hero_id": 62                     }],                     "bans":[                     {                         "hero_id": 85                     },                     {                         "hero_id": 30                     }],                     "players":[                     {                         "player_slot": 1,                         "account_id": 166715230,                         "hero_id": 21,                         "kills": 5,                         "death": 4,                         "assists": 0,                         "last_hits": 60,                         "denies": 5,                         "gold": 10,                         "level": 11,                         "gold_per_min": 355,                         "xp_per_min": 337,                         "ultimate_state": 3,                         "ultimate_cooldown": 0,                         "item0": 77,                         "item1": 50,                         "item2": 164,                         "item3": 166,                         "item4": 46,                         "item5": 0,                         "respawn_timer": 18,                         "position_x": -4199.75,                         "position_y": -6644.25732421875,                         "net_worth": 6520                     },                     {                          "player_slot": 2,                          "account_id": 92826288,                          "hero_id": 54,                          "kills": 0,                          "death": 3,                          "assists": 4,                          "last_hits": 87,                          "denies": 17,                          "gold": 791,                          "level": 11,                          "gold_per_min": 359,                          "xp_per_min": 370,                          "ultimate_state": 3,                          "ultimate_cooldown": 0,                          "item0": 50,                          "item1": 151,                          "item2": 7,                          "item3": 36,                          "item4": 182,                          "item5": 0,                          "respawn_timer": 0,                          "position_x": -1377.1424560546875,                          "position_y": -6401.39501953125,                          "net_worth": 7066                      }], 

c# code

public partial class liveleagues {     public class baseplayer     {         [jsonproperty("account_id")]         public int accountid { get; set; }          [jsonproperty("name")]         public string name { get; set; }          [jsonproperty("hero_id")]         public int heroid { get; set; }          [jsonproperty("team")]         public int team { get; set; }     } }  public class viewliveleagueplayers     {         public list<liveleagues.baseplayer> players { get; set; }     } 

main form

       private async void fetchliveleaguegames()        {         using (var client = new httpclient())         {             try             {                 httpresponsemessage response = await client.getasync("http://api.steampowered.com/idota2match_570/getliveleaguegames/v1/?key=************");                 response.ensuresuccessstatuscode();                 string responsebody = await response.content.readasstringasync();                 viewliveleagueplayers data = jsonconvert.deserializeobject<viewliveleagueplayers>(responsebody);                 foreach (var players in data.players)                 {                     listview1.items.add(players.name);                 }             }             catch (httprequestexception e)             {                 console.writeline("\nexception caught!");                 console.writeline("message :{0} ", e.message);             }         }     } 

according json structure need layer in net code

public class responsedata {     [jsonproperty("result")]     public liveleagues result{ get; set; } } public class liveleagues {     [jsonproperty("games")]     public list<viewliveleagueplayers> games{ get; set; } } 

this case can write

var data = jsonconvert.deserializeobject<responsedata>(responsebody); foreach (var game in data.result.games) {   foreach (var players in game.players)   {     listview1.items.add(players.name);   } } 


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