knockout.js - Loading data from observableArray one-by-one clicking button -

i came across nice sample code knockout.js , learning. curious understand code flow. when try read code stuck understand specific area. here jsfiddle link can see full code

//this 2 area clear   this.currentquestion = ko.computed(function(){      return self.questions()[self.questionindex()];   });  this.nextquestion = function(){   var questionindex = self.questionindex();   if(self.questions().length - 1 > questionindex){     self.questionindex(questionindex + 1);   } };  this.prevquestion = function(){   var questionindex = self.questionindex();   if(questionindex > 0){     self.questionindex(questionindex - 1);   } }; 

when clicking next or previous button 2 function getting called prevquestion & nextquestion 2 routine questionindex value getting changed , accordingly question , answer set changing.

my problem there no link between questions , questionindex know when questionindex getting change how question set changing ?

please me understand how new or old question set loaded when click on next or prev button.


questions not changing, current question getting changed because it's computed value.

this.currentquestion = ko.computed(function(){      return self.questions()[self.questionindex()]; }); 

and depends on questionindex, every time questionindex changed currentquestion re-calculated.


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