mvc - Checkboxes array of bools doesnt brings the true value if it's checked by user -

i have list of checkboxes in bool array, wish give checked value "true" in specific checkbox if it's checked user

this model

using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.componentmodel.dataannotations; using system.linq; using system.web;  namespace testnumbers.models {     public class stringnumber     {         [required]         public bool[] array = new bool[27];         public double numerito { get; set; }         public double numero(bool[] array){             int = 0;             double result=0.0;             double temp=0.0;             foreach (bool str in array){                 if( str == true)                     temp=1.0;                 else                     temp=0.0;                 result+= temp* system.math.pow(2,(double)i);                 i++;             }         return result;         }     } } 

my controller 2 actions: using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.web; using system.web.mvc; using testnumbers.models;

    namespace testnumbers.controllers     {         public class stringnumbercontroller : controller         {             // get: stringnumber             public actionresult index()             {                 //stringnumber number = new stringnumber();                 return view(new stringnumber());             }             [httppost]             public actionresult result(stringnumber number)             {                  //model not valid, not save, return current umbraco page                 if (modelstate.isvalid == false)                 {                     redirecttoaction("index");                 }                  number.numerito = number.numero(number.array);                 return view(number);             }         }     } 

and view: @model testnumbers.models.stringnumber @{ viewbag.title = "index"; } inspired in: this post customs gpos

       @using (html.beginform("result", "stringnumber", )) {  //,new { stringnumber = model }            @html.antiforgerytoken()            string[] str = { "z", "y", "x", "w", "v", "u", "t", "s", "r", "q", "p", "o", "n", "m", "l", "k", "j", "i", "h", "g", "f", "e", "d", "c", "b", "a" }; int = 0; <table>             <tr>                 @for (i = 0; < model.array.count() - 1; i++)                 {                     @html.hiddenfor(m => m.array[i])                      <td>@str[i] : @html.checkboxfor(m => m.array[i])</td>                 }             </tr>         </table>          <input type="submit" value="submit"  />     } 

the view alwys got thr values of bool array false , update "true" checkboxes selected controller , can work.

thanks in advance

remove hidden input creating same property

@html.hiddenfor(m => m.array[i]) 

the defaultmodelbinder reads first name/value pair match property name , binds it. subsequent name/value pairs ignored value of inputs created by

@html.checkboxfor(m => m.array[i]) 

are ignored. need give field getters , setters defaultmodelbinder can set values on post (i.e make property).

public bool[] array { get; set; } 


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