c# - Failed to connect to SQL database -

i have attach database file (.mdf) application. file in folder bin\debug\database. when create setup file , install app in other computers, have error when connecting database, such as: "attemped perform unauthorized operation", "access denied" or "database_log.mdf existed"... app.config:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration>     <configsections>     </configsections>      <connectionstrings>         <add name="xtopazconnectionstring"         connectionstring="data source=.;attachdbfilename=|datadirectory|\database\xtopaz.mdf;initial catalog=xtopaz;integrated security=true"         providername="system.data.sqlclient" />         </connectionstrings>         <startup>              <supportedruntime version="v4.0" sku=".netframework,version=v4.0"/>         </startup> </configuration> 

my connection string , connecting function:

 public static void openconnect()     {         try         {             if (file.exists(application.startuppath + @"\database\xtopaz.mdf"))             {                 if (file.exists(application.startuppath + @"\database\xtopaz_log.ldf")) //delete current ldf file if existed                 {                     file.delete(application.startuppath + @"\database\xtopaz_log.ldf");                 }                 string s = configurationmanager.connectionstrings["xtopazconnectionstring"].connectionstring;                  //set full permisstion access database file                 directoryinfo dinfo = new directoryinfo(application.startuppath + @"\database\xtopaz.mdf");                 directorysecurity dsecurity = dinfo.getaccesscontrol();                 dsecurity.addaccessrule(new filesystemaccessrule(new securityidentifier(wellknownsidtype.worldsid, null), filesystemrights.fullcontrol, inheritanceflags.objectinherit | inheritanceflags.containerinherit, propagationflags.nopropagateinherit, accesscontroltype.allow));                 dinfo.setaccesscontrol(dsecurity);                 dinfo.setaccesscontrol(dsecurity);                  con.connectionstring = s;                 con.open();             }             else             {                 exception ex;                 ex = new exception("database file not found");                 throw ex;             }         }         catch (exception ex)         {             messagebox.show("error occured when trying connect database\r\ndetail: " + ex.message, "error", messageboxbuttons.ok, messageboxicon.error);         } 

so how can create setup file , install application on others computer without error?

have tried running application in administrator mode? add manifest file project project -> add new item -> application manifest file. modify requestedexecutionlevel match line:

 <requestedexecutionlevel level="requireadministrator" uiaccess="false" /> 


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