javascript - Mysql and node async.waterfall -

i trying find out if record exists in database table. if not exist there, want add database. use node , using async.waterfall. wrong code , not find what. not add record database. suggestions?

var mysql       = require('mysql'); var connection  = mysql.createconnection({   host     : 'localhost',   user     : 'user',   password : 'password',   database : 'database' });   (var m = 0; m <= (urls.length-1); m++) {      var myurl = urls[m];      var thisname= thenames[m];       //iife function. omitted error handling clarity.       (function(myurl,thisname){          async.waterfall([            //first find out if record exists in mydata           function(next){           connection.query('select * mydata urllink=?                                limit 1',[myurl],next)                         },            //if record not exist, put in mydata           function(results,next){           if (results.length==false){               console.log("new thing!");               //do stuff here, request(myurl...) find tablename.               var post  = {uniqueurl:myurl,thingname:thisname,thename:tablename};               connection.query('insert mydata set ?', post,next);                                     };                                 };                          ],            //final callback           function(err, results) {           connection.end();                                  };                        );      })(myurl,thisname);    }; 


i got error suggested answer typeerror: object not function, @ line return next() in if statement. in real code (when use suggested answer):

async.series([   //first function   function(callback){     //some calculations...     callback();  },   //next function   function(callback){        var = 0;        //loop        async.whilst(        function() { return <= thefooz.length-1; },        //the innercallback:        function(innercallback){        //some calculations urls , thenames. async.foreachof(urls, function(myurl, m, eachdone) {   var thisname = thenames[m];    async.waterfall([     function(next) {       connection.query(         'select * mydata urllink=? limit 1',         [ myurl ],         next       );     },     function(results, next) {       if (results.length !== 0) {         return next();       }       console.log("new thing!");       //do stuff here, request(myurl...) find tablename.       var post = {         uniqueurl : myurl,         thingname : thisname,         thename   : tablename       };       connection.query('insert mydata set ?', post, next);     }   ], eachdone);  }, function(err) {   if (err) throw err; // or handle errors   connection.end(); }); settimeout(function() { i++; innercallback(); }, 10000); }); //close calculations in innercallback.      }, //close innercallback.      ); //close asyns.whilst callback;    } //close function(callback)        ], function(error){         if (error) return next(error);        }); 

i stuck in callback hell...

an (untested) version should same, bugfixes , enhancements in terms of leveraging more of async's goodness:

var mysql      = require('mysql'); var connection = mysql.createconnection({   host     : 'localhost',   user     : 'user',   password : 'password',   database : 'database' });  // process url's in parallel (at same time). if process them // sequentially (one after another), can use `async.foreachofseries()` // instead. or, if want limit number of parallel requests, use // `async.foreachoflimit()`.  async.foreachof(urls, function(myurl, m, eachdone) {   var thisname = thenames[m];    async.waterfall([     function(next) {       connection.query(         'select * mydata urllink=? limit 1',         [ myurl ],         next       );     },     function(results, fields, next) {       if (results.length !== 0) {         return next();       }       console.log("new thing!");       //do stuff here, request(myurl...) find tablename.       var post = {         uniqueurl : myurl,         thingname : thisname,         thename   : tablename       };       connection.query('insert mydata set ?', post, next);     }   ], eachdone);  }, function(err) {   if (err) throw err; // or handle errors   connection.end(); }); 

instead of using foreach*, can use each*, since need array index foreach* more convenient.

relevant documentation:


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