c# - How can I combine information in two different classes to show the result in a ListBox? -

my program contains 2 different classes. want combine values of both, show resulting information in listbox. information stored in database, classes in code have been created linq sql dataclass.

first class (reactorparameters)

this class contains information reactor @ specific time, flame temperature, amount of oil, amount of air...

class definition:

public class reactorparameters {     public timespan time     { get; set; }      public double temperature     { get; set; }      public double oil     { get; set; }      public double air     { get; set; } } 

example data:

reactorparameters sample data

second class (productinformation)

the productinformation class stores information product has been produced reactor @ time period.

class definition:

public class productinformation {     public timespan time_from     { get; set; }      public timespan time_to     { get; set; }      public product product     { get; set; } } 

example data:

productinformation sample data

what want result like?

what want acheive combine reactor parameters product has been produced @ given time.

the combined data

this easy task. why asking?

of course, can make new class, create instance each reactorparameters , store relevant product in it. since ui purposes (i don't need class else), i'm not sure if there better way reach goal. i've heard compositecollection , collectionview, i'm not sure if helpful me.

so, there other way separate class populate listbox?

you have create view class bind it.

try following code (i replaced product string test):

public class reactorparameters {     public timespan time { get; set; }      public double temperature { get; set; }      public double oil { get; set; }      public double air { get; set; } }  public class productinformation {     public timespan time_from { get; set; }      public timespan time_to { get; set; }      public string product { get; set; } }  public class reactorview {     public reactorparameters parameters { get; set; }     public productinformation product { get; set; } }  /// <summary> /// entry point /// </summary> public void test() {     random rnd = new random(1000);      // random parameters     list<reactorparameters> parameters = (from in enumerable.range(0, 24)                                           select new reactorparameters                                           {                                               time = timespan.fromhours(i),                                               temperature = rnd.nextdouble() * 50.0,                                               oil = rnd.nextdouble() * 20.0,                                               air = rnd.nextdouble() * 30.0,                                           }).tolist();      // product information     list<productinformation> products = (from in enumerable.range(0, 4)                                          select new productinformation                                          {                                              time_from = timespan.fromhours(i * 6),                                              time_to = timespan.fromhours(i * 6 + 6),                                              product = "product " + (char)('a' + i),                                          }).tolist();       // combine     var result = parameters.selectmany(param => product in products                                                 param.time >= product.time_from && param.time <= product.time_to                                                 select new reactorview                                                 {                                                     parameters = param,                                                     product = product                                                 });      // alternative query     var resultalt = param in parameters                  product in products                  param.time >= product.time_from && param.time <= product.time_to                  select new reactorview                  {                      parameters = param,                      product = product                  };      // print result     foreach (var item in result)     {         console.writeline("{0,-5} {1,-8:0.00} {2,-8:0.00} {3,-8:0.00} {4,-10}",             item.parameters.time, item.parameters.temperature, item.parameters.air, item.parameters.oil, item.product.product);     } } 


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