java - Counting Number of Word in Each Sentence -

i have text file in format:

   word   index    adam     0    likes    1          2    play     3    soccer   4         0    have     1          2    study    3         4         5    exam     6 

i want count number of words in each sentence. created 3 array lists 1 word index, other counting tokens in sentence, , other saving number of tokens each sentence. read above file array list , did following:

    (int f=0; f<onlywordindex.size() ;f++){        if (!onlywordindex.get(f).equals("0"))         {          numbercounter1.add("1");         }          if (onlywordindex.get(f).equals("0"))         {          numbercounter1.add("1");          sentencelegnth=numbercounter1.size();          numbercounter2.add(sentencelegnth);          numbercounter1.clear();          }      } 

but think either i'm missing or complicating problem. so, in improving appreciated. thanks,

it seems logical use map in case instead of arraylist though implement in both ways.

using map:

map<string,integer> wordmap = putwordsinmap(file file);  public void countwords([whatever-input-you-want]) {     string sentence = [some-sentence];     string[] sensplit = sentence.split(" ");     for(string s : sensplit) {         if(wordmap.contains(s)) {             wordmap.put(s,new integer(wordmap.get(s).intvalue + 1));         }     } } 

if want keep track of how many of words found in each sentence you'd add existing code:

list<string> sentencewords = new arraylist<string>(); for(string s : sensplit) {     if(wordmap.contains(s)) {         wordmap.put(s,new integer(wordmap.get(s).intvalue + 1));         sentencewordcount += 1; }   sentencewords.add(sentencewordcount); 

you implement sentence word count depends context behind solution.


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