ruby on rails - How to use the new ActiveSupport::Testing::TimeHelpers inside controller -

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like title tells how use awesome activesupport::testing::timehelpers#travel_to method inside controller. in tests, want achieve this:

somethingconroller < applicationcontroller   def index     travel_to some_date       # stuff depends on current_date      end   end end 

tried include module:

include activesupport::testing::timehelpers 

but got:

uninitialized constant activesupport::testing 

hoping date traveled applied view, view_helpers, controller_action

if must, add require 'active_support/testing/time_helpers' @ top of file.

although i've no idea you're doing code. try instead:

somethingconroller < applicationcontroller   def index     @instance = somemodel.find_by_date(12.days.ago)   end end 


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