javascript - jqgrid change values of editable cell on change of another cell (dependent columns) -

this grid. grid

my discount column has autocomplete has values coming json variable.

this json array data discount coming from.

[   {"id":0.56,"label":"adams rite less 50\/12","value":"adams rite less 50\/12"},   {"id":0.44,"label":"assa less 44","value":"assa less 44"},   {"id":0.603,"label":"baron accessories , sticks less 60.3","value":"baron accessories , sticks less 60.3"},   {"id":0.704,"label":"baron std , custom doors less 70.4","value":"baron std , custom doors less 70.4"},   {"id":0.617,"label":"baron std , custom frames less 61.7","value":"baron std , custom frames less 61.7"},   {"id":0.704,"label":"baron std pallet doors less 70.4","value":"baron std pallet doors less 70.4"},   {"id":0.145,"label":"bobrick 10\/5","value":"bobrick 10\/5"},   {"id":0.6175,"label":"bremner hmd","value":"bremner hmd"},   {"id":0.6073,"label":"bremner hmf","value":"bremner hmf"},   {"id":0.44,"label":"eff eff less 44","value":"eff eff less 44"} ] 


(1)upon changing value of discount cost column should change according formula

new cost = (1-0.145)*list price cell's value (in case 999) 

the value 0.145 coming id column of json.

(2)upon changing value of discount extcost column should change according this.

new ext cost = quantity * new cost 

quantity cell on extreme left.

here grid related code.

    var lastsel2;     jquery(document).ready(function(){         var autocompletesource;         $.getjson("{{ asset('app_dev.php/getdiscount') }}", function(json){             autocompletesource = json;         });         var cont;         jquery("#list").jqgrid({             url: "{{ asset('/app_dev.php/_thrace-datagrid/data/view_po_details') }}",             postdata: {                 mastergridrowid: {{ editid }}             },             datatype: "json",             mtype: 'post',             colnames: ['', 'released', 'attachments', 'quantity', 'received', 'item #', 'vendor item #', 'list price', 'discount', 'cost', 'extcost', 'lead time', 'system key', 'po item note', 'po required date', 'confirm #','confirm date', 'vq #', 'reference', 'vq ref', 'uom', 'type', 'last update', 'updated by', 'fsc', 'door #', 'queue', 'rte#'],             colmodel: [                 {                     name: "pod_uiselected",                     index: "o.pod_uiselected",                     editable: true,                     edittype: 'checkbox',                     editoptions: {value: "true:false"},                     formatter: "checkbox",                     formatoptions: {disabled: false},                     align: 'center',                     jsonmap: "cell.0",                     width: '70'                 },                 {                     name: "pod_released",                     index: "o.pod_released",                     editable: true,                     edittype: 'checkbox',                     editoptions: {value: "yes:no"},                     formatter: "checkbox",                     formatoptions: {disabled: false},                     align: 'center',                     jsonmap: "cell.1",                     width: '70'                 },                 {                     name: "i_linkhasfiles",                     index: "o.i_linkhasfiles",                     editable: false,                     edittype: 'checkbox',                     editoptions: {value: "true:false"},                     formatter: "checkbox",                     formatoptions: {disabled: true},                     align: 'center',                     jsonmap: "cell.2",                     width: '70'                 },                 {                     name: "pod_orderqty",                     index: "o.pod_orderqty",                     editable: true,                     align: 'center',                     jsonmap: "cell.3",                     width: '100'                 },                 {                     name: "pod_qtyreceived",                     index: "o.pod_qtyreceived",                     editable: true,                     align: 'center',                     jsonmap: "cell.4",                     width: '100'                 },                 {name: "pod_itemnumid #", index: "o.pod_itemnumid", editable: false, align: 'center', jsonmap: "cell.5"},                 {                     name: "pod_vendoritemnum",                     index: "o.pod_vendoritemnum",                     editable: false,                     align: 'center',                     jsonmap: "cell.6"                 },                 {                     name: "pod_vendorlistprice",                     index: "o.pod_vendorlistprice",                     editable: true,                     align: 'center',                     formatter: 'currency',                     formatoptions: {prefix: '$', suffix: '', thousandsseparator: ','},                     jsonmap: "cell.7"                 },                 {                     name: "pod_vendordiscount",                     index: "o.pod_vendordiscount",                     editable: true,                     jsonmap: "cell.8",                     editoptions: {                        datainit: function(elem) {                            var $self = $(this), // save reference grid                                    $elem = $(elem); // save reference <input>                             $(elem).autocomplete({                                 source: autocompletesource,                                 select: function (event, ui) {                                     var $tr = $elem.closest("tr.jqgrow"), newcost, rowid = $tr.attr("id"),                                             orderqty = parsefloat($tr.find("input[name=pod_orderqty]").val()),                                             listprice = parsefloat($tr.find("input[name=pod_vendorlistprice]").val());                                     if (ui.item) {                                         console.log(orderqty);                                         console.log(listprice);                                         newcost = (1 - parsefloat( * listprice;                                         $self.jqgrid("setrowdata", rowid, {                                             pod_unitcost: newcost,                                             pod_extcost: orderqty * newcost                                         });                                     }                                 },                                 minlength: 0,                                 minchars: 0,                                 autofill: true,                                 mustmatch: true,                                 matchcontains: false,                                 scrollheight: 220                               }).on('focus', function(event) {                                 var self = this;                                 $(self).autocomplete( "search", "");                             });                         }                     }                 },                 {                     name: "pod_unitcost",                     index: "o.pod_unitcost",                     editable: false,                     align: 'center',                     formatter: 'currency',                     formatoptions: {prefix: '$', suffix: '', thousandsseparator: ','},                     jsonmap: "cell.9"                 },                 {                     name: "pod_extcost",                     index: "o.pod_extcost",                     editable: false,                     align: 'center',                     formatter: 'currency',                     formatoptions: {prefix: '$', suffix: '', thousandsseparator: ','},                     jsonmap: "cell.10"                 },                 {name: "pod_leadtime", index: "o.pod_leadtime", editable: false, jsonmap: "cell.11"},                 {                     name: "pod_stocked",                     index: "o.pod_stocked",                     editable: false,                     edittype: 'checkbox',                     editoptions: {value: "true:false"},                     formatter: "checkbox",                     formatoptions: {disabled: true},                     align: 'center',                     jsonmap: "cell.12"                 },                 {name: "pod_note", index: "o.pod_note", editable: true, jsonmap: "cell.13"},                 {                     name: "pod_reqdate",                     index: "o.pod_reqdate",                     editable: true,                     jsonmap: "",                     editoptions:{size:20,                         datainit:function(el){                             $(el).datepicker({dateformat:'yy-mm-dd'});                         },                         defaultvalue: function(){                             var currenttime = new date();                             var month = parseint(currenttime.getmonth() + 1);                             month = month <= 9 ? "0"+month : month;                             var day = currenttime.getdate();                             day = day <= 9 ? "0"+day : day;                             var year = currenttime.getfullyear();                             return year+"-"+month + "-"+day;                         }                     }                 },                 {name: "pod_confrmnum", index: "o.pod_confrmnum", editable: true, jsonmap: "cell.15"},                 {                     name: "pod_promdate",                     index: "o.pod_promdate",                     editable: true,                     jsonmap: "",                     editoptions:{size:20,                         datainit:function(el){                             $(el).datepicker({dateformat:'yy-mm-dd'});                         },                         defaultvalue: function(){                             var currenttime = new date();                             var month = parseint(currenttime.getmonth() + 1);                             month = month <= 9 ? "0"+month : month;                             var day = currenttime.getdate();                             day = day <= 9 ? "0"+day : day;                             var year = currenttime.getfullyear();                             return year+"-"+month + "-"+day;                         }                     }                 },                 {name: "vq_pk", index: "o.vq_pk", editable: false, jsonmap: "cell.17"},                 {name: "pod_reftext", index: "o.pod_reftext", editable: false, jsonmap: "cell.18"},                 {name: "vq_vref", index: "o.vq_vref", editable: false, jsonmap: "cell.19"},                 {name: "pod_uom", index: "o.pod_uom", editable: false, jsonmap: "cell.20"},                 {name: "pod_itemtype", index: "o.pod_itemtype", editable: false, jsonmap: "cell.21"},                 {name: "pod_dateupdated", index: "o.pod_dateupdated", editable: false, jsonmap: ""},                 {name: "pod_updatedsysuser", index: "o.pod_updatedsysuser", editable: false, jsonmap: "cell.23"},                 {name: "i_fsc", index: "o.i_fsc", editable: false, jsonmap: "cell.24"},                 {name: "pjd_numid", index: "o.pjd_numid", editable: false, jsonmap: "cell.25"},                 {name: "pod_queuesourcetext", index: "o.pod_queuesourcetext", editable: false, jsonmap: "cell.26"},                 {name: "rtp_pk_e", index: "o.rtp_pk_e", editable: false, jsonmap: "cell.27"}             ],             beforeselectrow: function (rowid, e) {                 var $target = $(, $td = $target.closest("td"),                         icol = $.jgrid.getcellindex($td[0]),                         colmodel = $(this).jqgrid("getgridparam", "colmodel");                 if (icol >= 0 && $":checkbox")) {                     if(colmodel[icol].name == "pod_uiselected")                     {                         $('#list').setselection(rowid, true);                         $("#list").jqgrid('saverow', rowid, { //same rowid value used in 'addrowdata' method above                             succesfunc: function (response) {                                 $('#list').trigger( 'reloadgrid' );                                 return true;                             }                         })                     }                 }                 return true;             },             onselectrow: function(id){                 if(id && id!==lastsel2){                     jquery('#list').jqgrid('restorerow',lastsel2);                     jquery('#list').jqgrid('editrow',id,true);                     lastsel2=id;                 }             },             jsonreader: {repeatitems: false},             height: 400,             rownum: 50,             rowtotal: 1000000,             autowidth: true,             gridview: true,             autoencode: false,             pager: '#pager',             shrinktofit: true,             sortable: true,             sortname:"o.pod_reqdate",             sortorder: "desc",             viewrecords: true,             //multiselect: true,             loadonce:false,             rowlist: [50, 100, 500, 1000],             editurl: "{{ asset('/app_dev.php/_thrace-datagrid/row-action/view_po_details') }}"         });         jquery("#list").jqgrid('navgrid',"#pager",{ del:false, add:false, edit:false},         {editdata: {po_pk: {{ editid }}}},         {editdata: {po_pk: {{ editid }}}},         {editdata: {po_pk: {{ editid }}}},         {multiplesearch:true}         );         jquery("#list").jqgrid('filtertoolbar',{stringresult: true,searchonenter : true});         jquery('#list').jqgrid('gridresize');         $("#productedit_v_pk").prop("disabled", true);     }); 

so far have tried this this , this jqgrid version 4.8.2

you don't provided working demo, hope still understand correctly.

i think want change value of not-editable columns pod_unitcost , pod_extcost on selection of value in jquery ui autocomplete control in editable pod_vendordiscount. value of editable columns pod_orderqty , pod_vendorlistprice used during calculations. current code select callback of autocomplete

var rowdata = $('#list').jqgrid('getrowdata', rowid); cont = rowdata.pod_vendorlistprice; console.log(cont); rowdata.pod_extcost = (*cont; 

is incorrect. first problem usage of getrowdata access of columns @ moment in inline editing mode. it's wrong. getrowdata html fragment cells instead of value of corresponding <input> element. second error: set pod_extcost of rowdata object without additional actions. it's not changes value in pod_extcost column. should instead: can use getrowdata , setrowdata get/set values of not editing columns , have <input> elements of editing element , value current editing value.

i can't test below code, correct way example following

datainit: function(elem) {     var $self = $(this), // save reference grid         $elem = $(elem); // save reference <input>     $elem.autocomplete({         source: autocompletesource,         select: function (event, ui) {             var $tr = $elem.closest("tr.jqgrow"), newcost, rowid = $tr.attr("id"),                 orderqty = parsefloat($tr.find("input[name=pod_orderqty]").val()),                 listprice = parsefloat($tr.find("input[name=pod_vendorlistprice]").val());             if (ui.item) {                 console.log(orderqty);                 console.log(listprice);                 newcost = (1 - parsefloat( * listprice;                 $self.jqgrid("setrowdata", rowid, {                     pod_unitcost: newcost,                     pod_extcost: orderqty * newcost                 });             }         },         minlength: 0,         minchars: 0,         autofill: true,         mustmatch: true,         matchcontains: false,         scrollheight: 220     }).on("focus", function(event) {         $(this).autocomplete("search", "");     }); } 

i should remark above code works inline editing.


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