python - Embed Python2 and Python3 interpreters, choose which one to use at runtime -

is there way embed both python2 , python3 interpreter c program , running either 1 or other decision occurring @ runtime?

here's example attempt:


all: main   main: main.c     g++ main.c -lrun_in_py2 -lrun_in_py3 -l. -wl,-rpath -wl,$$origin -o main run_in_py2.c     g++ $$(python2.7-config --cflags --ldflags) -shared -fpic $< -o $@ run_in_py3.c     g++ $$(python3.4-config --cflags --ldflags) -shared -fpic $< -o $@  clean:     @-rm main *.so 


void run_in_py2(const char* const str); void run_in_py3(const char* const str);  static const char str2[] = "from time import time,ctime\n"                            "import sys\n"                            "print sys.version_info\n"                            "print 'today is',ctime(time())\n";  static const char str3[] = "from time import time,ctime\n"                            "import sys\n"                            "print(sys.version_info)\n"                            "print('today is', ctime(time()))\n"; int main(int argc, char* []) {     if (argc == 2)         run_in_py2(str2);     else         run_in_py3(str3); } 


#include <python.h>  void run_in_py2(const char* const str) {     py_initialize();     pyrun_simplestring(str);     py_finalize(); } 


#include <python.h>  void run_in_py3(const char* const str) {    py_initialize();     pyrun_simplestring(str);     py_finalize(); } 

because of order of library linking result same:

$ ./main sys.version_info(major=2, minor=7, micro=9, releaselevel='final', serial=0) ('today is', 'thu jun  4 10:59:29 2015') 

since names same looks linker resolves python 2 interpreter. there way isolate names or encourage linker lazier in resolving them? if possible, it'd ideal linker confirm names can resolved , put off symbol resolution until appropriate linker can chosen.

a highly related question asks running 2 independent embedded interpreters @ same time:

multiple independent embedded python interpreters on multiple operating system threads invoked c/c++ program

the suggestion there use 2 separate processes suspect there's simpler answer question.

the reason behind question thought understood conversation way when there program did this. , i'm curious how done.


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