ios - Custom animation for unwind segue when unwinding few steps back - problems and what is the right way to do it? -

lets have 3 uiviewcontroller's - a, b , c. transitions between a<->b , b<->c done different animated transitioning in both ways - forward , backward (unwind segue animation) subclassing uiviewcontrollertransitioningdelegate , uiviewcontrolleranimatedtransitioning. transitions 1 step forward or backward work perfectly, when try unwind more 1 step c->a (like home button) - b shown without animation , b->a custom animation played, weird looking. viewwillapper called middle view controllers on chain (in example b). unwind c->a done way - c->b->a instead of c->a (with 1 note - b->a animation played, c->b animation not played). want c->a (not b->a) animation, without showing of other middle view controllers or calling viewwillappear methods. want able set custom unwind segue animation c->a. how can that?

note 1: don't embed controllers in uinavigationcontroller , preffer not to, because far know (correct me if i'm wrong) not flexible or @ least scalable different custom animations between different steps. neither way prefer not use it.

note 2: i've tried override

override func segueforunwindingtoviewcontroller(toviewcontroller: uiviewcontroller, fromviewcontroller: uiviewcontroller, identifier: string?) -> uistoryboardsegue 

in , return custom segue (uistoryboardseguederived class) unwinding c->a. method called, animation starting , in middle of switch b->a animated transition delegate animation (which have set transitioning between b->a). not working also.

what i'm doing wrong? i'm pretty sure apple developers have figured out , made sort of api or that. there nothing in apple documentation how unwind few steps custom animation.

and 1 last thing unwind segue few steps working perfectly, custom animation not or @ least can't make work.

any highly appreciated.

check out following video year's wwdc(around 30 min mark). there's link sample code @ bottom well.

you might need wait ios 9 though :)

good luck!


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