Not able to populate the User object when using Spring OAuth2 Jdbc token store -

i updated roy clarkson's spring rest service ( jdbc-based token store. original implementation uses in-memory token store. able see user details in user object. on other hand, after switching jdbc-based token store, fields in user object empty. appears somehow spring security not able associate access token user under obtained token when using jdbc-based token store.

the in-memory token store implementation:

@configuration @enableauthorizationserver protected static class authorizationserverconfiguration extends         authorizationserverconfigureradapter {      @autowired     private datasource datasource;      private tokenstore tokenstore = new inmemorytokenstore();      @autowired     @qualifier("authenticationmanagerbean")     private authenticationmanager authenticationmanager;      @autowired     private customuserdetailsservice userdetailsservice;      @autowired     private clientdetailsservice clientdetailsservice;      @bean     public clientdetailsservice clientdetailsservice() {         return new jdbcclientdetailsservice(datasource);     }      @override     public void configure(authorizationserverendpointsconfigurer endpoints)             throws exception {         // @formatter:off         endpoints             .tokenstore(this.tokenstore)             .authenticationmanager(this.authenticationmanager)             .userdetailsservice(userdetailsservice);         // @formatter:on     }      @override     public void configure(clientdetailsserviceconfigurer clients) throws exception {         clients                 .withclientdetails(clientdetailsservice);     }      @bean     @primary     public defaulttokenservices tokenservices() {         defaulttokenservices tokenservices = new defaulttokenservices();         tokenservices.setsupportrefreshtoken(true);         tokenservices.settokenstore(this.tokenstore);         return tokenservices;     } } 

the rest endpoint:

@requestmapping("/greeting") public greeting greeting(@authenticationprincipal user user) {     return new greeting(counter.incrementandget(), string.format(template, user.getname())); } 

user.getname() returns name of user under obtained access token.

the jdbc token store implementation:

@configuration @enableauthorizationserver protected static class authorizationserverconfiguration extends         authorizationserverconfigureradapter {      @autowired     private datasource datasource;      @autowired     private tokenstore tokenstore;      @bean     public tokenstore tokenstore() {         return new jdbctokenstore(datasource);     }      @autowired     @qualifier("authenticationmanagerbean")     private authenticationmanager authenticationmanager;      @autowired     private customuserdetailsservice userdetailsservice;      @autowired     private clientdetailsservice clientdetailsservice;      @bean     public clientdetailsservice clientdetailsservice() {         return new jdbcclientdetailsservice(datasource);     }      @override     public void configure(authorizationserverendpointsconfigurer endpoints)             throws exception {         // @formatter:off         endpoints             .tokenstore(this.tokenstore)             .authenticationmanager(this.authenticationmanager)             .userdetailsservice(userdetailsservice);         // @formatter:on     }      @override     public void configure(clientdetailsserviceconfigurer clients) throws exception {         clients                 .withclientdetails(clientdetailsservice);     }      @bean     @primary     public defaulttokenservices tokenservices() {         defaulttokenservices tokenservices = new defaulttokenservices();         tokenservices.setsupportrefreshtoken(true);         tokenservices.settokenstore(this.tokenstore);         return tokenservices;     } } 

the rest endpoint:

@requestmapping("/greeting") public greeting greeting(@authenticationprincipal user user) {     return new greeting(counter.incrementandget(), string.format(template, user.getname())); } 

user.getname() returns null.


@service public class customuserdetailsservice implements userdetailsservice {      private final userrepository userrepository;      @autowired     public customuserdetailsservice(userrepository userrepository) {         this.userrepository = userrepository;     }      @override     public userdetails loaduserbyusername(string username) throws usernamenotfoundexception {         user user = userrepository.findbylogin(username);         if (user == null) {             throw new usernamenotfoundexception(string.format("user %s not exist!", username));         }         return new userrepositoryuserdetails(user);     }      private final static class userrepositoryuserdetails extends user implements userdetails {          private static final long serialversionuid = 1l;          private userrepositoryuserdetails(user user) {             super(user);         }          @override         public collection<? extends grantedauthority> getauthorities() {             return getroles();         }          @override         public string getusername() {             return getlogin();         }          @override         public boolean isaccountnonexpired() {             return true;         }          @override         public boolean isaccountnonlocked() {             return true;         }          @override         public boolean iscredentialsnonexpired() {             return true;         }          @override         public boolean isenabled() {             return true;         }     } } 


@entity public class user {      @id     @generatedvalue(strategy =     private integer id;      @notempty     private string name;      @notempty     @column(unique = true, nullable = false)     private string login;      @notempty     private string password;      @notempty     private string privilege;      @jsonignore     @manytomany(fetch = fetchtype.eager)     @jointable(name = "user_role", joincolumns = { @joincolumn(name = "user_id") }, inversejoincolumns = { @joincolumn(name = "role_id") })     private set<role> roles = new hashset<role>();      public user() {     }      public user(user user) {         super(); = user.getid(); = user.getname();         this.login = user.getlogin();         this.password = user.getpassword();         this.roles = user.getroles();         this.privilege = user.getprivilege();     }      public integer getid() {         return id;     }      public void setid(integer id) { = id;     }      public string getname() {         return name;     }      public void setname(string name) { = name;     }      public string getlogin() {         return login;     }      public void setlogin(string login) {         this.login = login;     }      public string getpassword() {         return password;     }      public void setpassword(string password) {         this.password = password;     }      public string getprivilege() {return privilege; }      public void setprivilege(string privilege) {this.privilege = privilege; }      public set<role> getroles() {         return roles;     }      public void setroles(set<role> roles) {         this.roles = roles;     } } 

the issue "userrepositoryuserdetails" creating not serializable.

userrepositoryuserdetails implementing "userdetails" serializable class extending "user" not serializable.

you must getting warning comiler add serialid.


make userrepositoryuserdetails serializable.


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