rgb - How to create a color scale between two given colors in GNU R -

i have 2 colors rgb-codes a <- "#000099" , b <- "#ccccff"

let's need 10 colors, , these colors need start a , end color b, , other colors "between" these 2 "equal distance"...

so, looking like

givecolorvector(start="#000099", end="#ccccff", length=10)

and should return vector this:

[1] "#000099" "0000ff" (...) "6666ff" "#7777ff" "#8888ff" "#9999ff" "#ccccff"

how do in r?

use colorramppalette so:

 <- "#000099"  b <- "#ccccff"  colorramppalette(colors=c(a,b))(10)  [1] "#000099" "#1616a4" "#2d2daf" "#4444bb" "#5a5ac6" "#7171d1" "#8888dd"  [8] "#9e9ee8" "#b5b5f3" "#ccccff" 

in place of a , b use r's color names, such colors=c("blue","green"), , can use more 2 colors if like.


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