Android Picasso Authorization header not working -

i'am trying addheader picasso request, i've searched , followed suggested do, in case adding interceptor.but it's not working , not giving error.

new picasso.builder(mcontext).downloader(restasynchttpclient.getokhttpdownloader(header)).build()             .load("https://myurl.jpg").into(mmediaimageview); 

and okhttpdownload:

public static okhttpdownloader getokhttpdownloader(final hashmap<string, string> headers) {     okhttpclient okhttpclient = mhttpclient.clone();      okhttpclient.interceptors().add(new interceptor() {         @override         public response intercept(chain chain) throws ioexception {             builder builder = chain.request().newbuilder();              if (!headers.isempty())                 (entry<string, string> entry : headers.entryset())                     builder.addheader(entry.getvalue(), entry.getkey());              request newrequest =;             return chain.proceed(newrequest);         }     });     return new okhttpdownloader(okhttpclient); } 

i've copied header , request , tried in postman app , worked, i've implemented onimageloadfailed it's not triggered can't understand.

@override public void onimageloadfailed(picasso picasso, uri uri, exception exception) {     string test = "sad"; } 

the problem wasn't picasso or okhhtp @ should, problem made mistake adding header putting "my token" "authorization" instead of "authorization" "my token. not delete post because contains snippet of "how add header picasso"


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