windows - Setting Static IP Address -

i writing script setting static ip computers. reads file has mac addr - ip addr pair. based on computers mac address gets ip address file. have problem setting up. have never done kind of .net programming. wrote bashscript linux side works, windows don't have experience. wrote program in until program can data file, have set static ip based on mac address , hostname. there several different posts 1, 2, in c# ,and have problem converting them great if provide pointer on how set static ip address specific nic on local computer.

imports system imports system.text.regularexpressions imports imports imports   module module1  const failure = 1 const success = 0 dim phyaddr string = getmac()   sub main()      dim arguments(3) string     dim filename string = ""       if environment.getcommandlineargs.count = 3          arguments = environment.getcommandlineargs         filename = arguments(2)      else          console.writeline("wrong syntax!")         help()         close(failure)      end if      if validname(filename)          if fileexists(filename)              'search file ip              dim confdata string = searchfile(phyaddr, filename)              if not string.isnullorempty(confdata)                  dim netconf() string = splitline(confdata)                  dim hostname string = netconf(1)                 dim ipaddr string = netconf(2)                 dim netmask string = netconf(3)                 dim gateway string = netconf(4)                 dim dns1 string = netconf(5)                 dim dns2 string = netconf(6)                 else                 console.writeline("couldn't find mac {0} in file {1}", phyaddr, filename)                        close(failure)             end if           else              console.writeline("file {0} doesn't exist", filename)             console.writeline("please provide absolute path file")                close(failure)         end if      else         console.writeline("file name {0} not recognized", filename)         close(failure)     end if   end sub  private sub help()     console.writeline("please call program as: ")     console.writeline("networkconfiguration -f datafile") end sub  private sub close(exitcode integer)     environment.exit(exitcode) end sub  private function validname(name string) boolean     static filenameexpression new regex("^[\\:_a-za-z0-9.]+")     return filenameexpression.ismatch(name) end function  private function fileexists(name string) boolean     return  end function  private function getmac() string      dim nic networkinterface     dim result string = string.empty      each nic in networkinterface.getallnetworkinterfaces()         if"ethernet0")             result = nic.getphysicaladdress.tostring             exit         end if     next      return result end function   private function searchfile(keyword string, filename string) string      'store result     dim result string = string.empty      'search keyword in returned data     using reader new streamreader(filename)         while not reader.endofstream             dim line string = reader.readline             if line.contains(keyword)                 result = line                 exit while             end if         end while     end using      return result  end function  private function splitline(line string) string()     dim separator char = ";"     return line.split(separator) end function   private function setupnetwork(ipaddr string, netmask string, gateway string, dns1 string, dns2 string) boolean      dim mc new managementclass("win32_networkadapterconfiguration")     dim moc new managementobjectcollection     dim mo managementobject      moc = mc.getinstances()     each mo in moc         'make sure ipenabled device         'not memory card or vmware      next       end function  end module 

ok solved it. post answer here others might benefit.

' set network configuration of computer function setupnetwork(phyaddr string, ipaddr string, netmask string, gateway string, dns1 string, dns2 string) boolean     dim result boolean = false      ' concatenate 2 dns addresses 1     dim dnssearchorder string = dns1 + "," + dns2      dim objmc managementclass = new managementclass("win32_networkadapterconfiguration")     dim objmoc managementobjectcollection = objmc.getinstances()      each objmo managementobject in objmoc          if (cbool(objmo("ipenabled")))              ' remove colons mac address match             ' provided mac address             dim origmac string = objmo("macaddress").tostring()             dim pattern string = ":"             dim replacement string = ""             dim rgx new regex(pattern)             ' mac address colons removed             dim repmac string = rgx.replace(origmac, replacement)              if (string.equals(phyaddr, repmac))                 try                     dim objnewip managementbaseobject = nothing                     dim objnewgate managementbaseobject = nothing                     dim objnewdns managementbaseobject = nothing                     dim objsetip managementbaseobject = nothing                      objnewip = objmo.getmethodparameters("enablestatic")                     objnewgate = objmo.getmethodparameters("setgateways")                     objnewdns = objmo.getmethodparameters("setdnsserversearchorder")                      'set defaultgateway                     objnewgate("defaultipgateway") = new string() {gateway}                     objnewgate("gatewaycostmetric") = new integer() {1}                      'set ipaddress , subnetmask                     objnewip("ipaddress") = new string() {ipaddr}                     objnewip("subnetmask") = new string() {netmask}                     objnewdns("dnsserversearchorder") = dnssearchorder.split(",")                      objsetip = objmo.invokemethod("enablestatic", objnewip, nothing)                     objsetip = objmo.invokemethod("setgateways", objnewgate, nothing)                     objsetip = objmo.invokemethod("setdnsserversearchorder", objnewdns, nothing)                      result = true                     exit                  catch ex exception                     console.writeline("couldn't set ip address!")                                close(failure)                  end try              end if          end if     next        return result  end function  'set computers host name private function sethostname(hostname string) boolean     dim result boolean = false      dim path new managementpath      path.server =     path.namespacepath = "root\cimv2"     path.relativepath = "'" & path.server & "'"      dim objmo new managementobject(path)     dim params() object = {hostname}     objmo.invokemethod("rename", params)     result = true      return result end function 


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