python - aiohttp lambda in loop.start_server() method -

i'm trying understand primer below:

if __name__ == '__main__':     loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()     f = loop.create_server(     lambda:     httprequesthandler(debug=true, keep_alive=75),     '', '8080')     srv = loop.run_until_complete(f)     print('serving on', srv.sockets[0].getsockname()) try:     loop.run_forever() except keyboardinterrupt:     pass 

why there lambda nottation in asyncio.create_server method? asyncio docs, method accept class/function entry point. if attemt initiate class , pass initialized instance loop, im totally lost, because have strange behavion, init method of httprequesthandler invokes every request:

class     httprequesthandler(aiohttp.server.serverhttpprotocol):     def __init__(self):         print(id(self)) 

what understood: classes httpserverprotocol parent callback, initialized every single request. save states between request, or process agregate logic need new object:

def process(): def init(self, loop): #instance variables self.loop=loop etc @asyncio.coroutine def serve(self): = asyncio.async(self.firstmethod(), loop=self.loop) b = asyncio.async(self.secondmethod(), loop=self.loop) yield asyncio.gather(*[a,b])

pass our logic class instance proto class , add serve coroutine method execution like: loop.run_until_complete(protoinstance.serve). works fine me.


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