ruby - Display notification if search is not found using Rails 3 -

i using will_paginate gem searching data table per 2 requirement if no search data found there should 1 notification user i.e-"no record found in between these 2 date.".mu code files given below.


<div class="col-md-4 col-md-offset-1">         <div class="text-left">                     </div>          <div class="input-group bmargindiv1 date" id='datepicker1' data-date="2015-05-01" data-date-format="yyyy-mm-dd">            <%= text_field_tag :search1, params[:search1], :class => "form-control" %>             <span class="add-on input-group-addon"><i class="fa fa-calendar"></i></span>           </div>           <script type="text/javascript">           $('#datepicker1').datepicker({                  format: "yyyy-mm-dd"               });           </script>     </div>     <%= submit_tag "search",:class => "btn btn-info btn-lg" %>     <div class="clearfix"></div>     <% end %> </div>  <!--1st_total_div-->     <!--1st_total_div-->     <div class="block-content">         <div class="table-responsive">             <table class="table table-bordered">             <colgroup>                 <col class="col-new-md-1">                 <col class="col-new-md-1">                 <col class="col-new-md-1">                 <col class="col-new-md-1">                 <col class="col-new-md-1">                 <col class="col-new-md-1">                 <col class="col-new-md-1">                 <col class="col-new-md-1">                 <col class="col-new-md-1">                 <col class="col-new-md-1">                 <col class="col-new-md-1">                 <col class="col-new-md-1">                 <col class="col-new-md-1">                 <col class="col-new-md-1">                 <col class="col-new-md-1">                 <col class="col-new-md-1">             </colgroup>             <thead>                 <tr>                 <th class="text-center">sl. no</th>                 <th class="text-center">receipt<br>number</th>                 <th class="text-center">date</th>                 <th class="text-center">deceased<br>name</th>                 <th class="text-center">doner<br>name</th>                 <th class="text-center">doner<br>mobile no</th>                 <th class="text-center">doner's<br>relationship</th>                 <th class="text-center">donation<br>amount</th>                 <th class="text-center">date of<br>death</th>                 <th class="text-center">hcsy<br>status</th>                 <th class="text-center">brahmin</th>                 <th class="text-center">action</th>                 </tr>             </thead>             <tbody>             <% @sdf.each |sdf| %>             <% @count=@count+1 %>             <tr>             <td class="text-center"><%= @count %></td>              <td class="text-center"><%= sdf.receipt_no %></td>             <td class="text-center"><%= sdf.created_on %></td>             <td class="text-center"><%= sdf.deceased_name %></td>             <td class="text-center"><%= sdf.doner_name %></td>             <td class="text-center"><%= sdf.doner_mobileno %></td>             <td class="text-center"><%= sdf.doner_relationship_other %></td>             <td class="text-center"><%= sdf.donation_amount %></td>             <td class="text-center"><%= sdf.date_of_death %></td>             <td class="text-center"><%= sdf.hcsy_status %></td>             <td class="text-center"><%= sdf.brahmin %></td>             <td class="text-center">             <div class="btn-group">             <a href="/homes/home/?receipt_no=<%= sdf.receipt_no %>" data-toggle="tooltip" title="" class="btn btn-xs btn-success" data-original-title="view">                 <i class="fa fa-eye"></i>             </a>             </div>             </td>             </tr>             <% end %>             </tbody>             </table>              <%= will_paginate @sdf %>           </div>     </div>     <!--end_1st_total_div-->  <!--end_1st_total_div-->  </div> 


class reportscontroller < applicationcontroller      helper_method :sort_column, :sort_direction     def view_report         @count=0         @sdf =tsdf.all         @sdf =[:search],params[:search1]).order(sort_column + ' ' + sort_direction).paginate(:per_page => 10, :page => params[:page])       end     def sort_column      tsdf.column_names.include?(params[:sort]) ? params[:sort] : "created_on"   end    def sort_direction     %w[asc desc].include?(params[:direction]) ? params[:direction] : "asc"   end end 


class tsdf < activerecord::base   # attr_accessible :title, :body   self.table_name = 't_sdf'   def,search1)       if search && search1        #where('created_on ?', "%#{search}%")       where("created_on >= ? , created_on <= ?", search, search1 )       else         scoped       end     end   end 

please me add notification per requirement.

try this:

 <% if @sdf.blank? %>    <p>no record found in between these 2 date.</p>  <% else %>       <table class="table table-bordered">      ....      <thead>        ....      </thead>      <tbody>        <% @sdf.each |sdf| %>          ....        <% end %>      </tbody>    </table>    <%= will_paginate @sdf %>   <% end %> 


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