java - Remove data in ListView -

why when delete database , remove listview, data in arraylist not erased change null. code when added data arraylist :

list<formpermohonankredit> list = datasourcepk.getallformpk();     final listiterator<formpermohonankredit> li = list.listiterator();  final string[] listnamanasabah = new string[list.size()];  int = 0; while(li.hasnext()){     formpermohonankredit form =;      string nama = form.getinfopokok() != null ? form.getinfopokok().getnama() : "null";     listnamanasabah[i] = nama;  i++; }  final arraylist<long> userlist = new arraylist<long>(); userlist.addall(arrays.aslist(listnamanasabah));  listadapter = new arrayadapter<string>(this, r.layout.activity_row_list, userlist);  mainlistview.setadapter(listadapter); 

this method delete database , remove listview :

idtable = idlist.get(position);  mysqlitehelper db=new mysqlitehelper(getapplicationcontext()); db.delete("" + idtable);  userlist.remove(position); listadapter.notifydatasetchanged(); 

i guess after changing "null" different text change, nothing has changed, it's null. arraylist after , before deleted :

  • before deleted

enter image description here

  • after deleted

enter image description here

i want clear arraylist selected position, not change null.

the posted code missing since not see clear relation between codes. perhaps show more code in adapter. anyway have 1 code suggestion, far can see: change from:





  • notice populating userlist. current code filling data idlist not used adapter, far can see in current posted code. explain me how results of nulls , zeros.


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