How do I activate a Maven profile if a file does NOT exist? -

i’m using maven 3.2.3. how activate profile if file not exist on file system? have tried below, discovered <not> syntax isn’t supported:

            <profile>                     <id>create-test-mysql-props-file</id>                     <activation>                             <file>                                     <not><exists>${basedir}/src/main/myfile</exists></not>                             </file>                     </activation>                     <build>                             <plugins>                                     <!-- generate mysql datasource properties -->                                     <plugin>                                             <groupid>org.codehaus.mojo</groupid>                                             <artifactid>properties-maven-plugin</artifactid>                                             <version>1.0-alpha-2</version>                                             <executions>                                                     <execution>                                                             <phase>process-resources</phase>                                                             <goals>                                                                     <goal>write-project-properties</goal>                                                             </goals>                                                             <configuration>                                                                     <outputfile>                                                                             ${}/                                                                     </outputfile>                                                             </configuration>                                                     </execution>                                             </executions>                                     </plugin>                             </plugins>                     </build>             </profile> 




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