performance - Developing a Concrete5 site in a VM / Vagrant environment - how to speed it up? -

i've used virtualbox / vagrant locally develop sites on following cms's , platforms: magento, opencart, wordpress , concrete5.

of above, concrete5 sites far slowest, , can take in excess of 10 seconds load pages. if logged in, pages can take on 20 seconds.

if enable caching during development, load time cut around 6 & 14 seconds not logged in , logged in sessions respectively.

i've customised setup concrete5 in attempt speed up, allocating 4gb of ram vm. allocate 2gb other vm's use other platforms. allocating ram achieves absolute nothing in terms of performance.

i've been using centos 6.4 guest os...

as mentioned above, seems concrete5 giving me problems. has else experienced this, , if so, know particular reason why slow?

depending on how have setup virtual machine, in *unix environments, can achieve big boost using opcaching extension in php.

i using opcache php 5.5.x found concrete5.7.x run , against php 5.4 or 5.3 using apc opcaching, difference visible.

as of how opcaching extensions work, best tweak it's settings keep as possible of precompiled scripts in ram, boosts php applications.

to mention also, setting concrete5 suitable development , don't have problems things not changing.


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