xcode6 - I want my image in xCode to fade in -

i want image fade in, not out. code, it's backwards. help?

[uiview animatewithduration:3.0 animations:^{ self.circleone.alpha = 0.0;


if circleone has alpha 0(invisible) need set alpha 1:

[uiview animatewithduration:3.0 animations:^{  self.circleone.alpha = 1.0; }]; 


if want make animation before appears on screen, can set alpha 0 before adding circleone it's parentview.

assuming circleone uiimageview this:

circleone = [[uiimageview alloc] initwithimage: [uiimage imagenamed:@"imagename,jpg"]]; circleone.alpha = 0.0; [parentview addsubview: circleone]; //run animation explained before 


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