regex - How to handle below pattern matching in Perl -

how below mentioned pattern match?

below input in array:

@array=("gs : asti:34:234", "gs : asti:344:543:wet"); 

i used foreach loop split them , i'm pushing them array.

help me in resolving below issue.

foreach(@array) {     if($_ =~ /gs/ig)     {          @arr2 = split(":",$_); #splitting matched pattern         push(@y,$arr2[1]);     } } 

acutal output is: asti , asti
desired/expected output : asti:34:234 , asti:344:543:wet

you can in way, split strings in 2 parts:

use strict; use warnings;  @array=('gs : asti:34:234', 'gs : asti:344:543:wet');  foreach(@array) {     if($_ =~ m/gs/ig)     {         @arr2 = split(":", $_, 2);         $arr2[1] =~ s/^\s+//;   #to remove white-space         push(my @y,$arr2[1]);         print "@y\n";     } } 


asti:34:234 asti:344:543:wet 


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