Customize Form Error Messages in Rails -

so, i'm trying come way customize error messages in form_for's. elegant way this, in opinion, inside text area itself. far, method i've tried messes form completely. please share thoughts , methods. simple form:

 <%= f.label :name, 'name' %><br>   <%= f.text_field :name, size: 30 %>   <%= f.label :password, 'password' %><br>  <%= f.password_field :password, size: 30 %>  <%= f.label :password_confirmation, 'confirm' %><br> <%= f.password_field :password_confirmation, size: 30 %>  <%= f.submit %> 

as can see, no errors mentioned here since i've added initializer follows:

actionview::base.field_error_proc = |html_tag, instance| errors = array(instance.error_message).join(',')  if html_tag =~ /^<label/     html_tag     else     %(#{html_tag}<span class="validation-error">&nbsp;#{errors}</span>).html_safe end end 

use helper method

def errors_for(model, attribute)   if model.errors[attribute].present?     content_tag :span, :class => 'error_explanation'       model.errors[attribute].join(", ")     end   end end 

and in view:

  <%= lesson_form.text_field :description %><br />   <%= errors_for @lesson, :description %>     


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